Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Camping adventures

And so it begins, the season of camping is upon us.  The kids were beyond excited.  Everyone did greasy, even Moose....which was a massive surprise, but a welcome one.   

Jellystone definitely was fun for the kids and exhausting for the parents.   

Meet Moose!

Safe to say our buddy is adjusting just fine.  And the kids love him as you can tell.   Moose is a white lab and comes from my ancestors homestead in ND. It was a great experience seeing the land where my grandmother grew up and meeting relatives.  Looking forward to all the adventures with Moose.....aside from him eating a bib, and a mole in the backyard.  

Monday, June 6, 2016

Look who's riding....

.....a 2-wheeler!!!  Luke took off on his bike in March and hasn't looked back. Honestly, the 4 year old has no interest in going slow.  I now push Amy in the jogger while Luke and Maddie ride.  It's a step up in the workout since I'm at a sprint to keep up.   Keep going little man, you have a need to speed