Friday, February 25, 2011


...I have lots of new words. About 3 weeks ago I decided to start talking and let me tell you I haven't stopped since then. Some of my new words include:
Please (sounds like peas)
No (sounds like mo)
Elvis (Eviz)
Dibs (Bibs)
Sadie (Sabie)
etc, etc, etc
Bath (bat)
Ba Ba (ba......)
Moo Moo (mmmmmmm.....)
Duck (buck)

There are tons of words and it's really quite fun. The list above is just a short list of what I can say/do. Really, if you ask me to say a word, I will. I've been a little stubborn on the talking thing, but it was more entertaining watching mom and dad try to figure out what I wanted before I talked.

It's been pretty busy around here. We went for a little trip. I got to go on an airplane again and was a really good girl....for the most part. I opted not to sleep this time and I think mom and dad enjoyed my company on the flight. They kept trying to entertain me with food, water, books, toys.

Anyway, we went to IA and saw some family. This time I wasn't as shy. I let Grandpa and Grandma hold me. I have Grandpa wrapped around my little finger. He was even willing to play baby dolls with me....they are some of my favorite toys right now. Grandma had jello and powdered donuts so she made my list of favorite people. Then, I got to play with Caleb and Katelyn. They are SO much fun. Caleb and I had tons of fun together...he sure can make me laugh. And I met Hailey....I wasn't too fond of the idea of mom and dad holding her. Remember, I'm the baby and the important one. Anyway, I tried to hit....I mean touch....her and mom and dad said to be gentle. Finally I came around and gave her a kiss. She wasn't much for playing yet, but maybe in time. She sure can toot and had 2 diaper blowouts on mom...I think that means she likes her.

Oh well, some of my favorite activities now are puzzles, playing baby dolls, books and blocks. I really like hats too and frequently make mom and dad wear them for fun. They're good sports about it.

Anyway, that's all for now. I'll try to upload a video of me playing and talking soon.

Love - Maddie

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