Monday, September 10, 2012

Me again, I know, twice in 1 night. It can't get any better than this. So a few updates from the Gacniks. Let's start with the important ones....the kids. Madeline, well I am turning the big 3 on Thursday. That's right, I'll be the big kid on the block. (don't tell, but I may be the only kid living on the block). Anyway, I had a little party over the weekend with my friends. It was a bowling party and gosh, I sure had lots of fun. I think Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa had a good time also. What's not to love of 7 little 3-5 year old running around a bowling alley. All day mom kept saying how much energy we had and that was before she fed us cake and lemonade. I think that means she and dad want lots of little girls. They had so much fun they needed naps on Sunday! Party animals.
Anyway, the party was fun. Today I started preschool and wow, I loved it. Actually, I really loved the bus ride. I sat next to a nice little boy named James. I think he's my new boyfriend and I sure do smile if you ask me anything about him. He is dreamy.....ahhh... Okay, back to school. It was fun. My teacher is really nice and I like the playground. Snack time was pretty good too. I'm eager to go back on Wednesday.
Luke is doing well. Mom wouldn't let him ride the bus with me or go to school. Such a fun hater. Maybe someday I'll sneak him on for fun. Anyway, Luke sure like to talk....alot....and makes lots of noise. He can crawl almost anywhere in the house. He's such a fast crawler that he mastered the stairs on day 1 and now mom and dad put gates up to prevent him from climbing those unassisted. Luke doesn't really like baby food. IN fact, he prefers table food. That's pretty cool if you ask mom or dad. Also, Luke is a party animal. Mom says it will lead them to buy stock in coffee. Last week Luke was up 7-8 times/night...every night. It was fun bonding I bet. When I got up yesterday and went in mom and dad's room I proudly told them I took a good nap and dad said he "wished he could say the same for my brother." Silly dad. Anyway, now that the 2 teeth came through, mom and dad are hoping to see the back of their eye lids more frequently. Mom went to California to hike a mountain. I think the hills around here would have been just as fun, but apparently there is one there that is really big, Mt. Whitney. Supposedly it's the tallest in the lower 48 states. IF you ask mom about the experience she will tell you it was one of the best experiences in her life and she would do it all again....except throwing up on the mountain. Altitude sickness doesn't sound like fun. Anyway, 17 hours and 18 miles later, they made it back to the bottom. She and the other 7 ladies started hiking at midnight. Apparently they didn't know enough to wait for day light. Dad? Dad is doing great. He's still working hard. His hands are healing from the home improvement projects from around the new house. Good thing because mom keeps finding new things to tinker with that require his the big tree limbs they (being DAD) cut down yesterday. I think it secretly likes this. I sure like my time with Dad though after daycare. Today, we played with princess play dough for 1 hour. Dad likes it more than me. Okay - time for bed since I missed my nap today. Love - Madeline Here are a few pics from mom's hike. That's the mountain. Mom said watching the sunrise at 12,000 ft. was pretty cool. I think she's nuts. That's a big mountain. Supposedly they had lots of nicknames for the mountain...she hasn't shared them with me yet.

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