Thursday, January 24, 2013

Life in Minnesota.... a little cold right now. This week we have learned to celebrate small wins, such as reaching 8 degrees yesterday....but, with the 35 mph wind it felt like -15. Truly, we are excited on days when we reach zero degrees. This is a new adventure for us. Mom and Dad figured out that there have only been a handful of days this past month that reached 15 degrees as the high. They were thrilled on those days because I could bundle up enough to go outside for a little, and I mean LITTLE, bit. Small wins, see? Anyway, did you know when it's below zero mom and dad get tons of house work done. They say if we can't go out, we just as well be productive inside. So, we've experimented with cooking and baking new things. We have almost completed the basement facelift/renovation. It looks totally different and mom promised to share photos soon. We no longer have 3 different textured walls.....the textured wallpaper, pretend brick and paneling...yup, all different/gone. Like my favorite mermaid Aeriel says, it's a "whole new world" downstairs. Luke and I have been a great help with all the home improvements. Really, we could start our own business soon. Mom and dad aren't on board with multiple demo/reno homes. They say doing this with 2 little kids is a bit challenging. Okay, back to my updates. So yes, it's cold outside so Luke and I are keeping busy. Here's a schedule of our week. Monday is daycare. Tuesday is daycare and preschool. Wednesday is daycare and swim lessons (Luke and I love them). Thursday is daycare and preschool. Friday (the best day in my opinion) is daycare and gymnastics. I love gymnastics. Mom says I needed to start before I "hurt" someone or something attempting it on my own at home. Dad said I needed to start to use my extra energy since we can't go outside and play. I asked mom the other day if we could go for a run or ice skating. She said it had to warm up a bit. I think she's a whimp. Mom and Dad had some good laughs this week as people informed them the frigid temps usually last 3 weeks at sub zero.....yikes! and we can expect snow through the month of April. Mom says she now knows why the university does most of their hiring in the summer one is crazy enough to move here in the winter!!!! Until later - Madeline

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