This is a website that highlights all of life's little, and sometimes big, adventures. Enjoy the ride!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Miss Madeline Rose

My mom sure is lazy. She keeps talking about updating the blog to announce my arrival, but obviously her actions are lacking right now. You would think since I am the first born that mom and dad would rush to tell the world, but nope not even dad. They say it hasn't gotten done because they are tired from a lack of sleep.....I don't know what they're talking about.
So anyway, let me introduce myself. My name is Madeline Rose Gacnik and I was born on September 13, 2009. I was 19.25 inches long and weighed 8 lb. and 13 oz. Mom says if I was a fish that I would be a great catch.....however, since I am a little baby girl they call me a chubby monkey. I have a head of dark hair and I look just like my daddy.
I made my entrance in style though. My due date was September 12 - the IA vs. ISU football game day. Mom started giving me my eviction notice weeks in advance, but I decided to be stubborn and stick out my "stay in the oven" as long as possible. However, on September 12 mom was so worked up over the football game that it caused her water to break.....thankfully she was at home. She waited awhile to tell Dad though so she could finish packing.....well that and she knew he would be a nervous wreck. She was correct. Dad packed the car fast and insisted they go to the hospital.
Dad thinks they made the right decision by going to the hospital, because mom was 5.5 cm dilated and was having contractions 5 minutes apart. Apparently mom didn't know she was in labor because she only having lower back pains, but that was nothing new after 9 months of pregnancy. So, this meant I was going to be making my debut.....however, I decided to be stubborn a little longer and held out until September 13 to be born....just to prove I operate on my own schedule.

Since my entrance I have been keeping busy. I met the dogs. I found out I am capable of creating lots of gas and extreme diaper blowouts. I like to burp....heck, I even spit up my food all over mom 3 times (that's true talent). I went for a walk to the mailbox. I sit/sleep in my rocker/bouncy chair all the time. I really don't like the swing.....I exercise my lungs every time mom tries to put me in it. I like my boppy pillow and hang out in there a little bit. My most busy time of day is at night though. I'm trying to train mom and dad to sleep all day and party all night....they haven't caught on yet.
Today I was really busy with a new discovery. I found my hand and 5 pointy things (mom calls them fingers) that are really good to suck on.
I'm including a few photos so you can see what I look like. I realize I'm adorable, so don't stare too long or you'll get attached.
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