Sunday, July 11, 2010

It's all about Mom..... least that's what the guy at the store said today....don't worry, it was about his wife. Now I understand what he meant, because today was all about Mom and I was the "test subject."

I'm told there are "special firsts" for a baby. I think it's more special for the Mom who is just eager to take photos, much to the dismay of her child. Seriously, it was traumatic and I might never go to sleep now that I know the potential of scissors.

Today, I got my first hair cut. I call it a butch. Seriously, you remember my dark black hair I was born with that fell out a few months after I was born? Well, since then I have been working hard, really hard to grow my hair into a sandy brown/blondish color. All was going well, sure I had a few "crazy woman" hair dos but that is to be expected when you're finding your "style." I thought it was creative, but apparently Mom did not agree.

So, it started out okay. We went to Lollilocks...just for kids. There were all these awesome chairs; one looked like a dinosaur, another a car and one was for a princess. What did I get? A generic chair with booster on it!!!! Can you believe it?!

So, I tried to explain to the lady I wanted just a little snip here and maybe one there. What did she do? She cut off a big piece, I think she wanted to shave my head. To help express myself I pulled out the tears, yes I broke out the big ones. It helped a little.

Then, she had the nerve to put a bow in my hair!!! Yes, a pink one. Mom said it was adorable, Dad just smiled and I, yes I cried.....until Mom picked me up. Then the hair cut lady wanted to take my picture. Can you belive that?! So, I didn't smile. I was stubborn.

Here's my new "do." I'm now going to grow it to my rear. Mom says No, but we'll see who wins this battle.

Love -

PS. On a side note, I now can climb all the way up the stairs by myself and really fast. Also, I can say MaMa. It's pretty cool, I feel like the big kid on the block.

PSS. There will be a 2 week break from the blog. We're going on vacation! Should be fun.

Friday, July 2, 2010

I don't like Dibs....

...he's not my friend anymore.

Last night I decided to pet him and then I thought I should inspect his teeth. It seemed like a good idea at the time.....but Dibs disagreed with me on that. He bit my hand and then went and hid under the end table by the couch.

Mom made us make-up but gosh, I'm not too sure about him. His teeth are sharp, just like mine. Dibs was shivering when mom helped me pet him and I kept crying because my pinky hurt, alot!!! I'm surprised I didn't lose it really.

Today I sort of forgot how mad I was with Dibs and decided to throw him my Cheerios. He likes me again, so I guess everything worked out fine.

Just so you know, I don't want to be a dentist anymore!!! If all my patients are going to bite my fingers off I want nothing to do with it.

Love - Madeline