Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The adventure in mom travels.

I've learned a few things after my travel adventures this fall. 
1.  It's not as glamorous traveling for work.  You never really explore the city to the fullest potential.  I traveled for work to NYC, Coeur'd'alene, New Orleabs and Chicago this fall.  Not one trip went as planned and really it's quite funny; between sleeping overnight in an airport, to 5 hour delays, I now consider myself an airport expert.   
2. You miss your family when away and amazingly you don't sleep as well.  One would think uninterrupted sleep would be glorious, but my body is programmed to be woken up on a regular basis so it doesn't correlate to beauty rest 
3. Young kids are convinced you are stuck in the phone during face time and get mad that you can't get out.  Ok, this one is just funny 

That's all.  Just a few reflection points 

Oh yes, the best line after arriving home from a trip...."I know the house looks a little crazy, but it didn't burn down."   True, true.   Honestly, I can't complain when I have a husband that supports my career and holds down the fort when I have to travel 

...and then it was Nov

Where did the fall go? Truly, I was just sending Maddie off to school and now it's November! Wow, the saying, "don't blink" is so true. Updates that are fun and report worthy. It has been a beautiful fall (although I'm writing that as I now has snow in the forecast this week). But it was a great fall. We spent every minute outside soaking up the warmer-than-average weather. We offered to close down Jeremy's family cabin, so everyone could avoid a lengthy trip. I must admit, we did fail on our first attempt. We arrived up north with the best of intentions, but then realized the mosquitos were gone, the fishing was great and the weather was amazing! We played all weekend and agreed we'd return a few weeks later. It is still a questionable decision, because when we returned a few weeks later it was COLD...literally 33 degrees, 30+ mph winds, and we had the close it all down before the pipes froze. If you ask the kids about the highlights from the trip, they would tell you casting off the dock of course was the best. We worked hard, the kids helped and we got it done. It really is beautiful up north at that time of year, so well worth the trips. Amy turned 1! Yes, our little one is a running everywhere. She started moving and grooving around 9 or 10 months and has never looked back. She is such a fun little spirit and keeps us all on our toes. If you expect her to stay in one spot with a toy, you are sorely wrong. She tries to keep up with her brother and sister....who still absolutely adore her and truly are her guardians. Maddie had the opportunity to take a girl's trip with me. We made a quick trip to CO to visit a friend who lost her father after a battle with cancer. We had a great weekend reconnecting and she sure loved hiking the mountains. She reported to Jeremy and I that when she grows up she isn't going to live in MN, we can, but she's going to live in CO. (kid, there is no way Jeremy and I will live in the tropical tundra of MN in retirement - HA) Luke is all boy and we honestly love it. He looks out for his sisters and knows how to "push their buttons" as well. But honestly, he is the gentleman at a young age. He would live outside if we let him and LOVES baseball. I don't want to guess how many pitches he hit this summer. I have no doubt when snow melts the training wheels will be off his bike. Bailey....well, she's our 4-legged friend and travels everywhere with us, so she's spoiled. Isn't that how it's supposed to be?! Jeremy and I....we prep coffee each night to keep us with the crew and are loving life. Yes, a random update and I'm sure there is more, but time to catch a flight home from a conference. Julie