This is a website that highlights all of life's little, and sometimes big, adventures. Enjoy the ride!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
First time parents... and dad have so much to learn!
We had a pretty good weekend. We sure were busy working around the house since it was nice outside on Sunday.
Dad was working on a deck seating area so I made myself the project manager. I offered to help cut the boards, but then I decided to take a nap and gosh, I missed out on all the building. Oh well, maybe next time.
Anyway, let's get to the point of this update. I decided the building environment was a perfect opportunity to see how Mom and Dad would react to an "emergency" situation. They failed.....
A splinter flew into my eye when mom was taking a picture of Dad and I by the new bench. Well, after a minute (can you believe it took that long???) mom looked at my eye because I kept trying to rub it. Anyway, there was a nice splinter floating in my eye and every now and then it was pointed directly outward. Mom and Dad FREAKED OUT (ha ha - you can start laughing now) because obviously I was going to rub it into my eye and do serious damage (still laughing, right?). Anyway, they brought me inside quickly and started stripping me down with the idea of setting me in the sink and starting to run water over my face/eye in hopes the splinter would come out.....
Failure #1 - FREAKING Out
Failure #2 - taking the time to strip me down, if it was that serious they should have started pouring the water over my face eye with clothes on....geez, they value my clothes more than me....
Anyway, in the midst of them stripping me down I continued blinking since mom pinned my arms down so I couldn't rub my eye (bonus point mom) and then the splinter came out enough that mom was able to get it. Wow, I missed out on a bath.....I should have kept them going for a little longer.
After all that Mom and Dad said I wasn't allowed to building the seating area anymore.
Oh well, I guess Mom and Dad have a lot to learn still. Oh well, the joys of first time parenting. ha ha
PS. It's apparent we do not have eye wash at the house for emergencies like this....give dad a few days and he'll probably pick some up.
That's all - Love Madeline
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Life in the fast lane....

I have 2 speeds, stop and go....there is no inbetween. Really, life in a fast lane makes a girl my age super tired.
It's been awhile since I've updated. No reason for that really other than I've been busy as the weather has improved. I've been taking Mom, Dad, Elvis, Sadie and Dibs on lots of walks and I've also been teaching mom the art of pushing me on the swing...she's getting pretty good at it. She has mastered multi-tasking while I swing; she pushes me and then throws the ball for Sadie to fetch. We do this nightly unless the weather is bad.
I have been practicing driving my jeep. It's tough work really and I prefer looking over my shoulder and going backwards, mom claims I'm learning to parallel park early in life.
I finally got fed up of mom and dad shoving food in my mouth all the time and have taken control of the situation. My new favorite foods are, toast with grape jelly....I really like the jelly but mom says the toast comes with it....anyway, I also like my cheerios, puffs (banana, apple cinnamon and sweet potato flavored) and yogurt bites.....they're all pretty yummy! I still like my cereal (apple flavored of course) and pretty much everything else....with the exception of green beans.
I have two teeth! Mom and Dad call them my chompers......something about them being sharp. I'm pretty proud of them though and am now working on a third tooth. I know I mentioned my teeth before but I really am excited about them.
I've been practicing standing a ton and figuring out this walking thing. I like to look out the front window but I have a difficult time seeing over the ledge.....don't tell Mom but I put my fingers all over the window right after she washed them the other day....I thought they needed my personal touch.
I'm going to help Mom and Dad out with some projects pretty soon. Dad is definitely going to need my help fixing our deck and Mom will need my guidance when planting flowers.....speaking of flowers it's a good thing we have held off planting them so far because it's supposed to snow tonight.
A couple weeks ago I went to the I didn't go anywhere. I met Rita. We got to have breakfast together while she had a layover on her way to South Carolina.....I've never been there but Mom say's well go someday to visit Uncle Matt and his family.
Well, I gotta run. Mom says it's way past my bedtime.
Love - Madeline

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