Sunday, October 19, 2014

Bath time

Maddie and Luke assisted with Amys first bath.  Looks like it went well and she liked it, huh?  

Paybacks are h***....

We had a great pizza last night. But apparently Amy wasn't a fan.  After little sleep and a very fussy baby we believe the pizza was toooooo spicy.  So last night was a time of bonding and this morning brought coffee to us all.   You would think as third time parents we would know better.   Oh well, learning moments 

Grandma and grandpa headed home yesterday.  We certainly appreciated all their help since Amys arrival.   Transitioning back to laundry, meals, cleanup ought to be interesting.  

It's safe to say Amy loved the added snuggles lately.  Her latest trick is waking up when her sibling leave to daycare or right after they go to bed. We joke that her reaction to learning maddie and Luke don't have daycare on weekends is apparent in the photo below...plugging her ears.  Ha! 

Maddie and Luke are doing well and loving their sister.  They both carved pumpkins Friday evening and are proud of the final results. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Practicing for 2015...

Apparently Amy thought practicing for the ball drop on New Years Eve was an important activity last night.  So, Bailey, Amy and I stayed awake from 10:30-12:30 preparing for New Years. Our first practice run went great. Bailey was a bit confused why we stayed up training now versus in December.  I assured her it wouldn't be the only practice run based on Amys current schedule.  Good thing the girls of the house had bonding time last night.  

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Amy Elizabeth is here!!

Good things come in small packages and sometimes arrive early.  That is true for us right now.  

Welcome to the world Amy Elizabeth Gacnik. The little lady decided she "cooked" long enough and entered the world October 1, 2014 at 12:53 AM. She weighed in at 8 lb exactly and is 18.5 inches long. Just like her big brother and sister at birth, she has jet black hair.  

Everyone is happy and healthy. The big siblings are deep in love and offer nothing but hugs and kisses....lots of them.  

Here is a quick glimpse of the growing family.