Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Little man loves his sister. There is truly no shortage of love really.  Luke has taken the term joyride to a whole new level. 

Sitting up

There is no laying down on the job here.  In no time at all she will be wLking, so I better not blink.  She has mastered the inch worm scoot. 

Little things

It seems like yesterday we were excited Maddie had cut her first tooth. Tonight...we prepared for the tooth fairy to visit. 

There is one very excited little girl.  She is growing up all to fast. 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Little adventures

As they say, when the cats away, the mice will play.  

Jeremy had to travel this week, so I had the 3 kiddos and dog to tend to. Sounds simple, right?   That's what I thought until luke got sick and Maddie had a cold.  So, Amy, Bailey andI held down the fort like champs. We Watched cartoons and played games to pass the time.  

Thankfully me assistants did great.  

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Wow, I guess maternity leave flew by faster than the previous two. Usually I'm a bit more prompt in updating the blog, but trust me when I say that life happened. For example, 2 weeks ago daycare was closed so we had planned to use ticket vouchers to visit family in FL...that is until Maddie caught the flu which lasted for 6 days. So, we delayed that trip. Thankfully Southwest does this FREE of charge. I knew there was a reason we only fly Southwest when the kids are involved. This past weekend Amy caught something, which lead to 2 doctors appointments and owning our very own nebulizer machine. Yes, she will be a child with asthma surprise as this runs in the family. Then Tuesday, just when Amy was on the tail end of her illness, Luke caught the stomach flu. Yes, we are beyond ready for a break. Overall, things are going well. The adjustment back to work has been a bit interesting with the reorganization. I wasn't worried if I had a job, in fact I got a promotion. The process of getting this wasn't the best experience though. I am going to chalk this up to a learning experience. Maddie and Luke had a great Christmas and Amy was along for the fact, she slept through most of it. Speaking of Amy, she was on such a roll by sleeping 6-7 hr. at a time during the night. Then I went back to work and everything changed. I like to think she is wanting to maximize her parent bonding time. To put it simply, we stay up late and start early (4:30 a.m.). Jeremy and I have become fans of coffee. Given our love for winter and cold weather...which is a non-existent love....we are happy to report this year has been a bit more mild than last year. Don't mistake this to mean it hasn't been cold, it has. In fact this morning it was -11 in Lakeville...without the windchill. However, a few weeks ago it was 35 degrees so I made the entire family go to the kite festival. It's literally a big kite festival on a frozen lake. It was a first for the kids and us to walk on the lake and see 100's of kites being flown all over. Maddie and I tried snow shoeing and we all watched ice fishing. The line was a bit long, so we didn't wait for that. It was a short lived event for us because we were standing on ice and it still was chilly, but we had Amy as well. Miss Amy is doing great and growing like a weed. She is a very happy baby and smiles all the time. She also started rolling over a few weeks ago. It's funny. I had just made a comment to Jeremy about her being a bit lazy and having no interest in rolling from back to front and literally within 1 hr, she rolled over. I think she's stubborn like me apparently. Jeremy and I are doing well. Trying to figure out what balance means for work-life-family now, but I think that's to be expected. Things we have learned over the past 3.5 years are going to allow us be better parents as well going forward. While I don't think either of us expect to be in MN long term, this experience has been very valuable. Okay - that's all for now.