....apparently I'm a little delayed on updating the blog.
So, let's recap the last 12 months.
- Kids are still growing way too fast, but are doing well
- Quit my job February 9....that's a blog in itself....basically, two careers could not keep advancing at the pace they were. Jeremy is taking the lead, and I'm doing consulting on the side while managing household operations (you know diapers, food, clothes, food, clothes, diapers, sick kids, diapers,....you get the idea).
- Relocation....or not - Sold the house in 2 days thinking we were moving back to MN with Jeremy's job. Went under contract on a house in MN. NE Buyers got cold feet and backed out. Put the house back on the market and ended up with offers that were less than ideal, and opted to delay move 1 year. Though we knew it would require significant travel for Jeremy
- Jeremy has been a road warrior with his job pulling him to MN and ND almost weekly. We all agree we would prefer this not be long term, and look forward to the relocation being complete.
- Lake life...made it to the lake in MN a couple times. Worked well since Jeremy was working up north so much, we paired it with his travel
- Grandparents...made a point to see relatives more this summer. Great memories
- Garden......let's just say our hobby garden took off and we learned how to can things....pickles, tomatoes, etc. It's been fun for everyone
- Frogs...well, our development ended up with a ton of frogs. At one point our kids had a box with over 100 young ones in it. No joke....so, we've had tons of fun catching and releasing frogs near the wetland mitigation area.
- Family ...Lots of family time, memories, and laughter
- Transition....lots of transition for me stepping back from full-time work in a traditional sense. I miss it. I miss the people, and the joy in making things better for future generations in education. I loved what I got to do, but I think I made the right decision. The kids are growing fast, and I know that they loved the impromptu trips, and adventures this summer. (who wouldn't love donuts in the park, picnics, and frog hunting adventures?)
- Dedication...I've never seen a man so dedicated to his job and family. Jeremy has worked his butt off with great dedication. It's impressive. I can only hope our kids understand and value work ethic that he shows them day in and day out.
So, 1 year came and went really fast. I can only imagine what the next 12 months will look like.