....I was taking a bath......

Yes, I was taking a bath the other day and figured out I can splash the water. It was rather fun because mom was trying to get me clean and I was kicking the water and wiggling around. I sure like my bath. I like it so much I accidently tinkled in it when mom set me in....mom said it defeated the purpose of the bath. Oh well, at least there was nothing floating so she should be happy.
I really enjoy swinging now too. It was 50 degrees over the weekend so mom and dad let me go outside and play on my swingset. It's REALLY fun! I smiled and giggled while swinging when mom played the "Blast-off" game with me....she says, "1, 2, 3, BLASTOFF" and I would swing real high!

I'm a real mover and shaker now. Mom and Dad lay me on the ground to play in my jungle and I twist and turn around to get the toys I want. I don't really need to roll over to get them when I can just turn in circles. The other day Mom was playing with me and looked away for a second (maybe two) and I rolled over.....again, when she didn't have the camera out to record it....ha ha ha...I'm sneaky!
I found my feet the other day....I have 2 of them....it's crazy! They move all over the place and I can't figure out how. I've been concentrating on them alot lately. I'm not sure when they appeared but they sure move alot.
Last week I gave mom and dad a flashback to life when I was first born. Now that I'm almost 5 months old they had almost forgotten. So, I decided to get up multiple times during the night....mom and dad loved the extra time with me I think. I made sure to catch some extra naps at daycare to help me power through the nights with mom and dad.
I met the plastic surgeon, Dr. McDowell, today. Sounds like I will have my first surgery in June to remove the skin tag on my right ear. Although there was talk about other surgeries when I am around 7 years old, Mom and Dad are thinking of not doing them unless I think it's important at some point in life. If God thinks I'm special enough to have a special ear, then why get rid of it or try to hide it.
I think Dad really wants a new car. He wants one so bad he let someone hit his Jeep again last week. Mom said there are other things to do for fun then let people hit your car. It was the second time in 5 months someone has hit him. Both times he was sitting at the stoplight, what are the odds?!! Dad's okay....he got a little whiplash, but his Jeep has an owie. So Saturday I took Mom and Dad car shopping. They found one they like, a Jeep Commander. It's a little bigger than the Wrangler and hopefully a little safer and HOPEFULLY NOT A BUMPER CAR MAGNET! (that's the goal) Maybe they'll finally buy one versus just talk about it.
Well, that's all for now. I'm tired and should go to bed.
Love - Madeline

Argh, Maddie, you are so CUTE. I just saw fares to Denver for $60 each way...hmm...maybe I should look into that.
Allison - Benjamin and You are welcome here anytime. It would be so fun to see you!
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