....I've been a busy bee lately.
I'm not sure where to begin, so I'm going to make a highlight list for you.
1. Mom had her annual "Girl's Weekend" in Colorado this year....which meant I got to have a Daddy/Daughter weekend. I'm not sure who had more fun, Mom or Me?! Mom and her friends went to a Colorado Rockies game, White Water rafting (she said it was really cold since the water was only 38 degrees, whimp) and then they ran the Bolder Boulder! Dad and I went to the race to cheer on Melissa and Mom.....don't tell them but I really couldn't find them in the mass of 55,000+ runners. After the race we went to Morrison Inn and Melissa and Mom had a celebratory Margaritas...can you believe they wouldn't share?!

2. I was a big girl and had surgery on my ear. Heck, I didn't even cry when the nurses took me back for my surgery. I think Mom and Dad were surprised I was so brave. Someone had to be tough though since they were both nervous. Anyway, surgery went really well. I was lucky, since I'm so small (not quite 15 lbs) they didn't have to use all the medical procedures they thought might be necessary such as the IV or breathing tube....I'm not sure what either of those are but they don't sound like a ton of fun.

Since I had surgery Mom and Dad stayed home with me. It didn't take me long to bounce back to my regular self.....since I had so much quality time with Mom and Dad at home I decided to learn a new talent.....CRAWLING!!!!...yup, I'm fully mobile. Now I keep Mom and Dad on their toes. One second I'm here and the next second I'm over there. It's great. Did you know how many drawers and cupboards I can get into now? Dad is babyproofing like a mad-man....fun-hater. By the way, the dogs are having a tough time hiding from me now that I'm on all-fours like them....ha ha..
3. Grandma and Grandpa G came to visit me!!! It's tough being loved. I got plenty of lovin' while they were here. I had no idea they would like my toys so much!! They played with me and read books, it sure was fun! Grandpa and Daddy kept busy fixing the deck, the grill and the sprinkler. They worked so hard they had to go golfing on Sunday to relax. Since the boys did that, Grandma, Mom and I went shopping and out to lunch....gosh it was tough, not!

4. I'm moving up in the world. Before when I was thirsty I would "tip the bottle" and now that I'm a big girl I can drink from a cup. It's really fun and I think it's funny when it runs down my neck.
5. I like eating peas....the real deal, not the baby food. Because I'm a big girl I can feed myself and gosh, I can't shove them in fast enough.
6. Because I'm a big girl I'm in charge of watering the flowers and veggies/herbs....I must be pretty good at it because tonight Mom sent Daddy and I to pick the basil because it was growing TOO FAST. Who knew my first year managing the garden would be so effective. Watch out Bobby Flay....I'm taking cooking up next and am ready for a "Throw Down."
7. I went swimming for the first time....it was pretty much a bath outside with less water. Mom and Dad thought it was pretty exciting and took lots of pictures....I sure hope they take me to the real pool soon...

What are you up to now? Anything fun in your life?
Love - Madeline