....Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Madeline (that's me), Happy Birthday to Me! I'm 1 year old today!!!!

It's been a really great year. I've trained Mom and Dad to respond when I call...even at 2 AM. They're pretty nice and have passed the "new parent test" throughout the first 12 months. Congratulations you two; you're now grown ups and certified parents.
I've trained the dogs to let me climb on them and inspect their hair, ears, eyes, etc. My only complaint is they all have bad breath and Dibs has sharp teeth. I think in time Dibs will really like me, especially when I have a toddler bed and he can cuddle up with me or maybe when I start playing dress-up with him. He'll be my buddy in time.
I now have 5 teeth....I'm working on 1 more right now....Mom and Dad say they'll be happy when they all appear.
I gave up crawling because my knees were getting sore. I don't know why Mom and Dad never told me to just use my feet. I sure get around faster and into things quicker now. Speaking of getting into things, I found the tupperware cupboard this weekend and have helped Mom and Dad reorganize multiple times.
I'm a good eater....I found out this weekend at my birthday party I really like strawberry cupcakes with frosting and pink sprinkles! Did you know on your birthday you get present?! It was really tough (not sarcasm) turning 1....I got a stroller and a baby doll and an indoor riding toy that plays music....and some books and a puzzle. It was great!
All in all, it was a great first year. I got to travel a ton to see family and friends and learn what life is all about. I can only hope the years to come are just as much fun.
Until later -

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