Last weekend I was outside playing and practicing my running skills. I guess I was running so fast I didn't realize my little legs couldn't keep up with my ambition and upper body, so I tripped and fell. I didn't just fall either, I landed on all 4 limbs and then tipped forward and skinned my entire nose. I cried a little bit....but I really wouldn't slow down to let mom clean it off. Anyway, I now look like Rudolph. I am going to practice my running again soon, but I may put a rubber ball on a my nose (like a clown) to stop by falls.
Thanksgiving was great. Mom, Dad and I just stayed home and enjoyed time with each other. Mom and Dad said it was very relaxing, but I'm not sure how they came to that conclusion when all they did was cook that day. Oh well, we ate a turkey and lots of other stuff. Really, my favorite was the pumpkin pie. Other than that, not much else is new. We had a great long weekend at home and even did a little shopping. It was nice to get back to my routine today at daycare. I also thought it was nice to get mom and dad back to work....I don't want them getting laxy and relaxing too much...just kidding.
Oh yes, I got another hair cut this weekend and am now sporting a "bob" cut. I'm not to sure why mom and dad got my haircut after someone named Bob, maybe someday I'll get one named after a girl. Oh well. Have a great week and I'll get some photos for you all soon.
Love - Madeline
PS. You'll notice I got stuck in my chair when I tipped backwards and mom and dad thought it was a perfect kodak moment...I disagreed.
PSS. You'll also notice me in a photo which looks like I lost at strip poker, but no I was merely running in my diaper and carrying a toy before putting my PJs on for bed.