It's been a crazy couple of weeks around here.
Let's recap for you.
First, Aunt Debbie came to visit and for some reason mom made her run the Denver 1/2 Marathon. Can you believe how mean Mom was to her....she chased Aunt Debbie the entire way. Dad and I played a very important role during the race....we were cheerleaders! Actually, I fell asleep and missed Mom and Debbie running by at mile 3.5, but I did clap with all the other cheerleaders (aka fans) at the finish line as they finished. It was good day.

Then, I had a Daddy/Daughter weekend because mom had to go to Washington DC for work. It was pretty fun. I even got to talk to mom on skype while she was gone....I'm convinced mom was really stuck in the computer. I bet Dad put her there. ha ha
Then, Mom came home and we went on a vacation to Disney World in Florida!!!! It was super fun. I went to the Food and Wine Festival at Epcot and then trick or treated (I was Tinkerbell in case you're wondering) at Downtown Disney and then trick or treated at Fort Wilderness Campground and then we went to the Hoop-De-Doo (dinner musical). I didn't really care about the candy since I don't eat candy....heck, I don't have enough teeth to eat candy. It was a really fun trip though. We camped and hung out with Grandpa, Grandma and my aunts, uncles and cousins. I went for lots of walks, boat rides, swimming in the pool and just hung out. It was very relaxing, so relaxing that now Mom and Dad are looking at travel trailers so we can go camping more often.

My favorite part of the vacation was running through the fountains at Downtown Disney....that's where water pops out of the ground....can you believe that?!!! I got to do it in my halloween costume and it was totally fun. I was giggling the entire time.
My second favorite part was the wine experience....well, actually I think that was Mom and Dad's favorite part and I was merely along for the ride in the stroller. I got to have fun though....no, I didn't get to drink wine silly.....I got to dance to the live music and meet some characters (who I didn't really like, one was an oversized cat).

Overall, it's been a crazy couple of weeks and although it's nice to be home, I'm ready for another camping adventure.
Until next time - Tinkerbell (aka Madeline or Maddie)
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