It's been a crazy month around remember the previous blogs about our Out West adventures. Well, shortly after that (5 days later) we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Kiefer's house for my cousin Hailey's see, Mom and Dad are her Godparents, so we took a trip. I don't remember the drive there very much but I do know mom and dad were really tired the next day....they claim they drove through the night to get there....yea right...those guys go to bed early and never stay awake until 10 PM, so there's no way they drove through the night. Anyway, we got to Grandma and Grandpa's house in time for was the fastest 14 hour drive ever!
The Baptism went great. I was a good trooper and so was Hailey! I got to play with my cousins and had a really great time. When playing at Grandma and Grandpa's house I had a ton of fun playing bubbles with Cody, the dog, and also hauling out all of the yard toys.

But, as the title of the blog said, you can call me Miss. Fix-it. Here's why
1. I decided to help "paint" Grandma and Grandpa's fence. It looked dry so I used a bucket of water and a paint brush and worked really sure was tough, it kept soaking in....must have been a really dry fence.

2. Daddy was helping Grandpa haul mulch around with a Little Tikes Wagon and spread it around the yard. Well apparently Daddy got in a fight with the wagon and managed to break his nose....yes, on a Little Tikes's kind of funny (you can laugh)....anyway, he waited 1 week to go to the doctor to get it looked at....can you say stubborn?! I guess the Little Tikes wagon won the fight! I helped hold ice on Daddy's nose to fix it after he got the injury.

3. We got home from our trip and honestly, we were just happy to be home until......we saw a 35 ft. section of the fence had blown down in the high yo ucan imagine, Mom and Dad were thrilled. So, after Dad put up the orange temporary fence and the dogs got caught sneaking through/under it a couple times and getting stuck in it as well....we got it officially fixed this weekend between all our rain...I think it turned out pretty you can tell, I helped out alot.

4. Should I mention that I stayed home on Friday when the workmen were putting our new window in....see, I really am a good help at home improvement projects.
Okay, I should go to bed....I have a fever tonight, so I need the rest before the week kicks off. Hopefully I can see my friends at daycare tomorrow if the fever drops.
Until later,
Madeline (aka Miss Fix-it)