Monday, May 2, 2011

Creepy and Crawly Little.....


I saw tons of them and completely forgot to blog about it last night. Let me tell you, these little devils aren't the fastest things, except when they are falling from the tree to the ground (or in mom's hair). Anyway, at Zion National Park there were millions of caterpillars and tons of cocoons. Too bad I didn't get to see any butterflys.

Oh well, I was fascinated by the caterpillars until my finger was within an inch of them, then I was a little nervous they might jump and get me. So, I let mom and dad touch them and I just stopped and pointed out EVERY SINGLE ONE I saw.....and I saw a lot of them.

By the end I decided there were just too much and natural selection needed to come into play so......squish....I stepped on them and giggled....what a danty little girl I am!

Oh well, they were pretty cool. I'm trying to figure out how to get the video from my phone onto the blog so you can see me attempting to touch a caterpillar, pointing them out and then...squishing them.

ha ha - Love Madeline

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