I sure have been busy this summer teaching mom and dad all about summer time fun.
Did you know I had to teach dad how to swim at the pool by our house? He sure is getting good and I'm not too bad either....I can kick with the best of them and blow bubbles...sometimes from my mouth.
The park, well it's the hot spot by our house. Don't tell Dad, but there are a ton of cute boys there. Dad thinks I really love to swing and go down the slide, which is true....but the boys there are really cute.

Running....mom and dad take me for "family runs" on the weekend with the dogs. I love going for runs...mom and dad say it's tough work, but all I do is sit back in my jogging stroller and relax until we get to the park. That's why I love family runs, they always end at the park....remember, that's where the cute boys are

Zoo....we've gone to the zoo a couple times this year and I love it. All the animals are so exciting. I really love, Love, LOVE the elephants. The monkeys and lions are cool too...but the bigger the animal, the better. I wonder if I will get one for my birthday coming up in September?

Dress up....I love to play dress up with shoes. I have practiced wearing mom and dad's shoes a couple times, but geez, Dad's shoes are really heavy...I'm not sure how he lifts his feet when walking with them on...they really are that heavy!!! Anyway, mom's dress shoes are fun and make me a little taller. Oh well, my favorite shoes are my own....did you know I just learned how to put my shoes on all by myself. I'm becoming quite the independent little girl.

Books....I have been reading quite a bit lately....I LOVE my books. Mom and Dad read to me in the morning and at night. Right now I'm into my Madeline books. I have been reading to my dolls lately as well. Guess what my favorite book is? The pocket dictionary!!! I take it everywhere with me; in the car, to church and all around the house. Every night before bed I point out 2-3 words and Mom or Dad tells me what it means. I hoping to be on Jeopardy in 4-5 years.
Other than that, I'm doing pretty well.....oh yes, you want to know about Baby G. 2.0....well, it's still cooking...I talk to mom's belly button quite a bit since that's how you communicate with the baby...I would tell you if it's a boy or a girl, but I don't know what it is....Mom and Dad say they might not tell anyone the gender, especially me, because I can't keep a secret...it's not like I let the secret our on my blog..
Until later -

(enjoying some corn on the cob...my new favorite food)
ps...one of my neighbor girls came by with a flyer for pet services....mom and dad thought it was cute and funny....check it out...yes, that's poop on it...she'll pick it up for you if you need..too cute!

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