Monday, September 24, 2012

Move over Donald Trump......

And so it Donald Trump hair-do is officially gone. Dad wasn't a fan of it and multiple people called me a girl, so on a whim, mom finally agreed (possibly after a glass of wine) and with ONE GIANT SNIP...(I was terrified) was gone... As you can tell, I'm bummed. It was beautiful and down to my nose. It hide my eyes and was a great food collector. Apparently, only short hair-dos are allowed for boys in our house. Which means there is probably another hair cut on it's way because I am growing a rat tail....I keep telling dad that "Chicks dig it." He doesn't agree. Oh well. Here are some pics of the traumatic event. My thought, "hey lady, what do you think you're doing? Put down the scissors and no one will get hurt."
My second thought, "it's not too bad I guess. Now I can show off my stylish forehead."

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