Saturday, January 19, 2013

It's a little cold...

- it's supposed to be a high of -2 degrees on Monday....that's cold. People keep asking, where are you guys? Gosh, where haven't we been. It's been a fun month. Let's see, the last time I updated you all it was early December. Luke and I loved Christmas this year. It's a good thing I was here to help open presents and teach Luke the art of tearing paper. Luke really liked standing on the boxes. Yes, Santa did find us. I still don't know how he got that bike down the chimney, but yes, my Pink and Purple Minnie Mouse Bike was waiting for me Christmas morning. I was very, very excited. Too bad the weather has been so cold and crummy I can't use it outside. Oh well, hopefully Spring will be here soon. Everyone was sick around Christmas. Mom had a little cold, Dad got something nasty that they said was a bug, Luke was teething (which means mom and dad get no sleep) and I had strep throat. IT was fun.
Since Christmas mom and I have been busy. Mom has this saying, "when in MN, do as Minnesotans do." She said you should take advantage of all the "stuff" when you live somewhere because you never know if you'll have to relocate again. So, Mom decided I needed to learn how to ice skate. You see, people in MN are a bit nuts (you have to be though because it's so COLD in MN). We went to the used ice skate store and got skates for mom and me. We've been ice skating a ton lately. It's really fun and I can do it all by myself....not super well, but last time I only fell once. So, I think I'm pretty good.
Anyway, Luke is well. He likes to climb, alot. You see, today we caught him standing on his little rocking chair on the arm of it. Mom almost had a heart attack. She and dad are taking bets when he will have stitches or a broken limb. The little guy is "all boy" they say. I agree.
What else? Oh yes, in December Isabel, the elf, came during one of my naps and make cinnamon rolls. I don't know if I told you that. But, anyway, I still tell everyone about that because I really like cinnamon rolls and we are almost out....I sure hope Isabel comes back sometime. Okay - mom says it's past my bedtime. Madeline PS. Mom and Dad are still pretty crazy. They have now updated 2 bathrooms, the entire basement bedroom/living area (which previously had 3 different kind of walls, and installed appliances. Yes, they don't sleep much. Mom says in a previous life she was a painter. She doesn't think she has ever painted this much, even if you include childhood paint by number. ha! Dad, he loves his hammer and screwdriver now more than ever! They have had good use lately.

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