Friday, March 8, 2013

Popcorn Tea Party....

Popcorn tea party anyone? A new tradition that only happens on special occasions is the mother-daughter popcorn tea party. What is a popcorn tea party you ask? Well, let me tell you. It's having a tea party before bed and using the air-pop popcorn maker on the floor, so everyone can see the wonderful mystery of kernels turning into a delicious snack of popcorn. Then, we eat our popcorn, clink our tea party glasses together and read bedtime stories. It's almost as fun as camping, but way better. Next time you come to visit, you might be invited to attend a tea party. I should forwarn may have to participate in the dress-up part of this. Yes, select a princess of your choice, or have one designated to you courtesy of Madeline. That's all for now. Julie

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