This is a website that highlights all of life's little, and sometimes big, adventures. Enjoy the ride!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Swing Set
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Caramel Rolls
Trading: Swing set for Lawn Mower

We are finding good reasons to laugh.
A few weeks ago we took our lawn mower to the shop to get fixed. The self-propelled went out and the blade needed to be sharpened. We thought it would be a quick fix. However, this past weekend we called and they still were not done with it, meaning we had to rent a lawn mower for a second time. We have to laugh now because the cost of repairing the one in the shop and the rental fees have now exceded the cost of a new lawn mower.
Also, we're selling this beautiful, solid wood swing set (pictured above). It's an "L" shaped set with 2 slides, 1 trapeze bar, a fireman's pole, monkey bars and a covered tarp area which the slides extends from. We had numerous inquires on this swing set and 5 people called for directions saying they were coming to look at it and buy.......when? Jeremy and I hung around the house the majority of the weekend for the "buyers" who oddly, never showed. We just laugh now when someone says they are coming for the swing set. We'll believe it when we see it.
So to wrap this up. If you have a working, self-propelled lawn mower, with bag, then we'll trade you our AMAZING swing set.
*If you have a riding lawn mower you're willing to trade then Jeremy will love you even more. He really would like one for our 1/3 acre lot...........
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
We have an oven
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Food Competition
Saturday, May 17, 2008
As some of you may know Jeremy and I went golfing for his birthday a week ago. It seemed like a great idea until I realized I'm not a great golfer. I'm fairly athletic and am a quick study. However, I learned the harder you swing the poorer you perform. It was rather entertaining.
After I humbled myself on the course while Jeremy excelled I decided I would practice at the driving range this past week so the next time we go out golfing Jeremy will be amazed that I have improved. (by the way, Jeremy got a good chuckle when he say my clubs saying they are a bit "expired." Old doesn't mean they don't work, they're just heavier to carry around)
I'm sure you can guess there is something funny to this experience. I went the farthest end of the driving range so no one would stare at me in my attempts to hit the ball. I thought I was doing well....the ball was going straight about 140-170 yards/drive.....I think that's okay....but I think I must have poor form, because a professional instructor came up to me and asked me to take lessons from her, handed me a business card and then wanted to know when I might want ot start. I told her I would discuss this with my husband.....she then left me alone.....after that, my ego was shot down and I just hurried to finish my bucket of balls.
We'll find out if my attempt at being "self-giving," as they talked so much in our marriage prep courses, will pay off next time we go golfing. I called for some good advice so hopefully that will help this week at the driving range. I'll keep you posted.....maybe I'll post a photo of my clubs so you know what I'm working with.
When the little one in the front (Katelyn) wasn't walking fast enough for the two behind (Nolan and Amber), she got was priceless......then she (Katelyn) picked up the flowers dropped by the girl (Amber) initally behind her because she lapped was worth a smile and a laugh.....again, the most well behaved children ever......we love them all.

We buy a house, two months later the oven dies, 7 weeks later we are still waiting for our new oven to be installed. Yes, it really true. We're pretty talented at cooking on the stovetop and the grill, but we're ready for the oven.
Seriously, Friday I was expecting the serviceman to come and install this oven (which is currently sitting in my dining room) around 8 AM. Come 9:00 I called the dispatcher to learn that the serviceman would not be able to come due to an "emergency" with another customer lacking electricity. Looking back I think they should have come here first, we have electricity and can use our new oven. This 97 year old lady without electricity could not use her oven or any lights so our installation was minor and a "quick fix" compared to this lady. Makes complete sense, huh? (this was a joke)
Back to the story. So, we ended up not getting the oven's still sitting in our dining room tormenting us by being so close and not usable.....and we are again cooking on the stove top..did I mention again......
So, today we went to Home Depot and told them to come install this oven ASAP so we could get back to cooking our favorite meals.......I'm going to tell you what we're craving.
1. Meat Loaf
2. Home Made Cinnamon Rolls
3. Potato Balls (from Omaha Steaks)
4. Lasagna
5. Minute Steak
6. Breaded Pork Chops
7. I must stop here since I'm starving thinking about all the wonderful things this oven can do....
Other than that life is "peachy" and going well. I found a steal of a deal at a garage sale on a desk so we can use our office. We were rather excited and negotiated it lower than asking price (I think that comes from my Dad, always negotiate a better deal in your favor).
Hope everyone is doing well. We are going to try and post on this at least once a week so you can keep up on our life.
Today, I'm giving you a photo of our house (it's from the winter, but it counts).
Thursday, May 8, 2008
There's a first for everything
Since returning from our wedding, April 12, and a trip to Jamaica we have successfully unpacked everything. That was a huge accomplishment for Jeremy and I considering initially we could not even walk through our living room/dining room. However, much of the stuff we unpacked is now in the 3rd stall of our garage awaiting a June 6 garage sale. If you're in the market for a swing set, kayak, washer/dryer, knife set, etc. then stop on by. Most likely we have what you're looking for and even some stuff you never knew you always wanted.
We'll try to update this site on a regular basis to provide some humor for you all. If you have any requests, just ask.......if it includes the story of running out of gas on I-76 in CO, I am more than willing to share. :)