Poor Sadie - she has certainly had better days.
Upon arriving home from church Sunday 5 of the cul-de-sac dogs were playing outside chasing balls. Very rarely do Jeremy and I bring Sadie and Elvis out to join in the fun; partly because Sadie is still young and we don't know if she'll stay close by or take off and Elvis.....well, he'll pee and/or poop in everyone's yard and that's no way to make friends. But yesterday I was feeling giving so I brought Sadie out and started throwing the ball for her. She was in her height of glory! I throwed the ball for nearly 15 minutes and she'd sprint past the other dogs to get it first and then bring it back, dropping it nicely at my feet. Jeremy came out to join me and that's when I noticed red spots on our driveway.....it was almost a paint I thought but then I realized what it was. So we tackled Sadie knowing the blood was certainly from her. I thought, she must have torn a pad on one of her paws. Little did we know, but she tore through all the pads on her paws. 4 Paws with blood.
I did was any logical, crazy, pet owner would do. I called the vet and asked if we should bring our dog in. Based on her "war wound" (from an innocent game of fetch) they said yes, right away. So Jeremy and I loaded Sadie in the car for a trip to the vet. Now don't forget, we're talking about a dog who hates, absolutely hates, car rides. Well, she did better than expected but I think her paws were stinging so badly the car was the least of her worries.
Jeremy carried our bleeding pooch into the vets office and they said it would be awhile so to stop back. When we did, we were greeted by Sadie with all 4 legs/paws wrapped with pink and purple bandages. At least she looked cute. However, she was rather sore and hobbling along. She's on some nice pain medication now and it's a good thing. She slept the remainder of Sunday at home after that adventure. Funny though, the one time Jeremy went upstairs Sadie tried to follow and then realized she couldn't get back down. The pressure must not have felt good on the paws, so Jeremy saved her and carried her down. (She's milking the injury for what it's worth).
This morning she was slow moving again and really was confused when we put the cone on her head. When we are gone she has to have the cone on so she doesn't pull the bandages off. She wasn't a happy camper when we left today.
Life will be slow moving for Sadie for 2 weeks. No playing ball or running.....you tell that to a young lab who lives to play ball. Also, we have plastic booties for if it rains/snows to keep her paws dry. If we thought getting the cone on was fun, I can only imagine putting booties on her. We will find out on Wednesday if she's recovering well or what they want to try next.
And to think, it all started with an innocent game of ball in our cul-de-sac!
1 comment:
poor Sadie!! In her puppy mind it was probably sooooo worth it. :) I remember after having Zoey spayed and they told us to keep her "quiet" and no running or jumping for 10 days. I asked if they send meds for that!!! Hope she heals quickly and her booties work well.
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