It only seems fitting after a massive delay of blog posting to educate all you readers.
I've decided to write a reflection about what I've learned in 2009.
1. I love naps! Over the past 2 months I've learned how to multi-task during my lunch break. 15 min. = eating, 45 min = reading book or sleeping.
2. I like crackers! We have them everywhere; on the night stand, in the bathroom, in the closet, in my car.
3. I can and do eat every 2 hours. I've learned if I do not that bad things happen. In light of this discovery I added 5 pounds in 2 months. (there may be another factor too) Oddly though, in gaining 5 pounds we've discovered Jeremy has lost 5 pounds. At this rate, 6 months from now he'll be a "skinny-mini" and I'll be a waddling duck. ha ha
4. I do not love steak anymore or eggs. Steak now tastes like chalk and eggs, well it's just a bad story. Good thing we bought a cow and have a freezer stocked full of IA beef!
5. Wine, coffee and bourbon are sad friends to let go of. However, Jeremy has stepped up to the plate and helped fill my shoes. Now though he gave up bourbon for Lent so the poor bottle is all by itself.
6. Waking up at least once a night allows me to perfect walking around the bedroom to the bathroom without stepping on 1 of 3 dogs. It's good training I guess.
7. Snug pants. It's allowing me to feel like a present-day teenager and experience the delight (?) of wearing their clothing style. (it also is presenting me the opportunity to buy new clothes - although I'm bound and determined to wear MY clothes another month - wish me luck)
8. Naps. Yes, I love my mid-day naps but I also enjoy my evening naps. Jeremy is good at waking me up and telling me the ending of my favorite shows since I "meditated" for a bit of it....ok, I was asleep at 7:00 PM. Evening naps are good though.
9. I have new favorite foods. The spicer the better! Bring on the Thai food. I love Strawberry ice cream! I love it so much we now have Non-fat Yogurt because I'm a regular at eating it. I love popsicles! Red is my favorite.
10. I love to snow ski and have been banned from it by my doctor. (I tried to negotiate and lost miserably, I even promised not to ski blacks or in the trees) Along with snow skiing they also banned softball, soccer, bike riding, water skiing, and any other potential sport I love. I'm allowed to jog still (for awhile) and swim.....but really, who wants to be seen in a swim suit when you're waddling like a duck? (just kidding - that may be my saving grace in the summer heat)
11. Jeremy really is supportive of these changed habits, etc. He willingly takes naps, eats all the new foods and drinks my wine for me.
12. My due date - September 12, 2009
Other things that Jeremy and I have learned is that cribs are rather expensive as are carseats and strollers and diapers and whatever gadget they think you need for a baby. Who new a baby could cost so much?! (we've been lucky though as many have offered for us to use their stuff)
To answer the #1 question we receive - No, we do not know the gender of the baby.....Yes, we might find out....and no, we're not planning on telling.....we have to have one secret. The secret of being pregnant didn't last long since I stopped drinking coffee and wine and then stopped eating steak. That and the bump in front is becoming a little giveaway.
I must confess, we did lie a bit over the past 2 months. Although I had to work in Florida, Jeremy and I flew down early to tell my parents of the new addition this year. I think they were a bit shocked. We also lied to Jeremy's parents about my "work trip" to the Cleveland area. The only agenda item we had was telling them about the family addition as well. They were shocked a bit as well and then couldn't believe I really didn't have to work. So yea, no blog updates for a reason. Now, we're back in business and you may receive updates on a regular basis.
Next week we have another ultrasound and if I'm technically inclined I'll post a photo. Wish me luck on that one!
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