Here's a quick update regarding "life on the funny farm" as I see it. I realize I've only been around 8 weeks but I've got this place figured out.....not to mention I've got mom and dad wrapped around my finger.
Since I last posted alot has happened around here. The white snow melted, so dad decided to mow the grass one last time before winter really strikes. I think he was a little confused on what he was mowing........check out the snow in the picture. I got a little laugh watching him try to mow snow.....what was he thinking?!

Mom hopes I'm a natural born athlete. So, she introduced me to her running shoes and jogging stroller. The first two times we went running, I looked around the first mile and then fell asleep. However, two days ago I decided to voice my opinion on this running's what I did.....I was good the first mile and a half to make mom think I was having fun, then I opened my mouth and began to cry as loud as humanly possible. So loud mom thought all the neighbors could hear. Eventually mom took me out of the stroller and carried me up a BIG hill while pushing the jogging stroller and listening to me wail. It sure was fun. Turned out the only reason I was crying was because I had a little burb.....ha mom now thinks I may not be destined for a spot on the Olympic Track team, but perhaps swimming. We'll see in a few months how that goes when I start swim lessons. They think since I love my bath that I'm now going to love swimming. (the photo of me looking like a cookie monster and the one with the pink jacket are from our "fun" runs)

Other than that, not much else new around our place. I went to the doctor yesterday for my 2 month check up and found out I'm growing like a weed.....well, sort of. Anyway, I now weigh 10 lb. 10 oz and am 22 inches long. I really haven't grown a ton since being born. Mom thinks I inherited something from her, her build. She says that I look just like dad and she only had the honor of carrying me around for 9 months. So, she's thrilled there will be another petite girl in the house. The appointment was okay and they kept saying how I'm doing great and was such a good girl, then this meanie of a nurse came in.......she gave me 3 shots and then one oral vaccine. Then, they wanted a blood test and another meanie nurse tried to take all the blood from my arm. No offense, but if being good earns me that, then I'm going to be bad next time. Now they decided I get to have an ultrasound in a month to check my kidneys. Mom promised there won't be any needles that day....I sure hope not!
I got a new toy. Mom found it on craigslist. I like it because it have 2 slides, 2 swings a walk-way, a rope climby thing and a playhouse. The only thing that would make it complete is a PINK swing. Why must everything be blue?! I'm a girl.

We're making our first road trip soon. We're headed to Iowa for my baptism and Thanksgiving. I'm going to meet lots of new people then and Dad says he's taking me to the John Deere Tractor case you didn't know, Dad loves John Deere and really wants a riding lawn mower.
In honor of Turkey Day here is my poem for you!
Turkey Red, Turkey Blue, Turkey says "I love you"
Okay - time for another nap.
Miss Maddie Rose