Monday, November 16, 2009

My first field trip.....

I know I wasn't going to post anything until after Thanksgiving, but this couldn't wait. I got to go on my first field trip this past weekend. On Saturday the weatherman said it was going to mom and dad said we had to run a quick errand to stock up.

We went to Tipsy's World of the largest liquor stores in the US supposedly, although mom and dad didn't think it was that big. I thought it was odd for my first field trip to be to Tipsys, I was thinking we'd go to the zoo or maybe the grocery store, but no we went to the wine store. It was a pretty fun trip really. I only wish mom and dad would have let us stay long enough for the free wine tasting at 5 PM, but they said it wouldn't be appropriate....and yet taking an 8 week old to the wine store was????? Anyway, I took a photo with dad to prove I was there.

I had some play time with Dad....he's funny. He pretends to eat my hands. He's silly.

I also had my 2 month picture taken on Sunday afternoon. I had been holding out but I finally gave in and smiled for one of my pictures. One of my pictures looked like I was boxing....I even had a stern look on my face. Dad and Mom said that was good one for the future wanna-be boyfriends....this would show them how I defend myself....anyway, I'm not allowed to date and get married until I'm 40 so I have time to practice my boxing.
That's all for now. Getting set for my big trip to Iowa. I don't know what's so exciting about the corn state.....I'll post once I get there.

1 comment:

Allison said...

OK, that's pretty awesome--Tipsy's? Seriously, a liquor store named Tipsy's?

Sounds like it was a dire situation! Can't be without wine...actually I'm out at home right now. Oh no!

Also--Maddie, you and your daddy are so stinkin' cute in that picture I can't stand it. Must leave blog now.