I have a bit of an obsession with.....paper. I find it all over the house. Last month it was under the tree around presents and I tried to tear it free many times before Christmas but mom kept catching me in the act. So, I then turned my focus to toilet paper and any other paper within my reach. Did you know mom and dad put paper and kleenex in the garbage?! I kept pulling it out and they kept making me put it back in saying, "no touch." I only wanted them to recycle every little bit to help the environment but apparently they aren't into that. By the way, sometimes the kleenex was a little sticky. I'm not sure why. Anyway, that's my obsession with paper.

Christmas....I must have been really good last year (aside from the paper obsession)and the bottle of wine I left Santa must have helped as well encourage his giving mood, because Santa brought me a cool castle climb and slide.....I'm pretty much an expert at it now. Mom says it a good thing becaues her coffee table couldn't handle much more.

Family....The Gacnik family came to visit the week between Christmas and New Years. It was pretty cool to see some of my cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. We kept busy and I got to practice my talent at unwrapping presents again (did I mention I really like paper?). Anyway, I got a really, really, really cool car which Dad let me take for a test drive when it was nice outside. We also went to the zoo lights one night. I was so bundled up I couldn't put my arms down.....I felt like the kid from a Christmas Story movie. It sure was fun though and I saw a big elephant.

I'm not a big fan of clothes. I really prefer to run around with only my diaper on and sometimes in the evening mom and dad let me do it before putting my jammies on.....well, now I have a new game....pulling my diaper down below my hips....mom and dad say I'm sagging my draws. Anyway, mom says if I keep this up I'll either learn to be potty trained really early or end up with duct tape on to hold my diaper on. Oh that mom character....she's just silly. I think mom and dad are just jealous. Oh heck, enough of that....you look at the photo and make your own opinion for the fashion statement I'm trying to set. (Don't mind the crack)

Looks like 1 just wasn't enough. I'm now am working on 4 molars. I really don't recommend cutting them at the same time to anyone else. Although it allows for great bonding time with Mom and Dad in the middle of the night, it's rather painful.
That's all. Happy New Year!

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