I didn't exactly pick the apples from the tree, but I helped dad get them from a basket inside and put them in a bag. I treated the apples like a basketball and did a slam dunk when putting them in the bag, so dad took a few out....something about bruising them, etc. Oh well, he doesn't value free help quite yet.

They had some pretty slick stuff at the orchard though....chickens, goats, and turkeys. I spent alot of time focused on the chickens....they were all over the place and really cool. They also has a big bail of hay to climb on and a slide to come down on. I played on this quite awhile and had a ton of fun!!! We didn't get to go on the tractor ride since the line was really long and mom and dad were tired and needed a nap, but maybe next year.

Since buying all the apples mom has been busy in the kitchen...she jokes about being barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen all the time. She made apple crisp and and apple pie this weekend in addition to 2 pots of soup (chili and chicken w/ wild rice) and then tonight she's making banana bars for the people at work. She's a crazy "nesting" lady right now.
This weekend was kind of fun. Grandma and Grandpa came to visit for 1 night...not 1-2 weeks, but 1 night. Something about being 5 hours away allows for quick visits sometimes. It was fun playing with them; we had dinner, went to church and then had lunch today before they took off for IA. I sure enjoyed the visit and think living a little closer will work out just fine. I showed them my train set, played dolls and all sorts of stuff. Great weekend.
People kept telling us when we were moving the weather would be horrible....I'm not sure what they were talking about. It's been 80 degrees every day the past week and we've even had the air on a few times. From what I understand my old house in CO had almost 4 inches of snow yesterday....look who's laughing now people?!!!
Aside from that I guess I have one more story that I almost forgot....Mom and I fell down that stairs last weekend. Actually mom was carrying me down the stairs and slipped and we both came a tumbling down. Mom landed smack on her back, but did a really good job of not dropping me or letting go of the handrail. Of course it was Oct. 1, the first day our new insurance was effective and the insurance cards hadn't arrived yet and mom and dad hadn't lined up new doctors in MN. So, we visited a local family practice who confirmed the baby was still happy and healthy. Mom jokes saying the baby probably thought it was a joy ride and nothing to worry about. Mom on the other hand was a little sore for a few days. Dad, he's fine...he saw it happen and didn't know what to do since both Mom and I came a tumbling down. We know how to keep him on his toes.
Other than that, life is pretty mellow. Mom stopped running finally which might be good since she can't walk down stairs without falling down. :)
Love - Maddie (did I mention I like Oreos now?)

PS. I really like helping Daddy fix things so Grandma G. sent me a cool thing to help out...check it out. Thanks Grandma!

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