Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sweet tooth of mine...

Mom says life is what happens to you, attitude is how you react. If you position things positively, then you’ll handle everything smoother. For example, mom was told she failed a glucose test and had to retake it. How did she handle this news? She baked 7 days straight until the follow-up test knowing if she failed again that she at least had consumed all the sugary treats possible. Well, what happened? She failed again! Something about gestational diabetes. Mom says it isn't that bad and could always be worse. So what does this mean for me? Well, mom and dad changed all of our meal plans to reduce the carbs/sugars…..I for one am not too sure I like this change, but I’m supportive and playing along. Don’t worry, I still get my sweet treats. Speaking of sweet, I have developed a slight sweet tooth. I figured since mom shouldn’t have any right now I should pick up the slack for the family.

Enough about Mom, let’s talk about me! A few weeks ago I went to another apple orchard, or as I call it and apple farm, to buy some apples. I also got to see a porcupine, raccoon, and a pig. Then, I got to go for a hayride. I offered to drive the tractor, because I really love tractors, but mom and dad said I had to be older. May next year?

Then, I went to a pumpkin patch to get a pumpkin. It was really tough finding the perfect one. I settled on 2 small ones and then 3 little baby ones I could carry in my own hand. They have been fun to marker on and paint. Speaking of pumpkins, Halloween came and went. I wasn’t a fan of it. I refused to wear my costume at daycare for the party and only put it on for 5 minutes that night to help dad build a new book shelf…..that was it. I didn’t want to do any trick or treating. I guess I’m the party pooper!

I went for a little road trip this past weekend with mom and dad. We went to UNI to see some friends and then I got to see my Uncle Tom and his family. I met a little boy named Logan…..I think he might be my new boyfriend, don’t tell dad though. It sure was fun playing with kids for the day. The nice thing was, the entire trip was a day trip.

We’ve been doing a bit of rearranging at our house. There is a pack’n’play set up, a new bedroom (with my old baby crib) ready, a baby swing and a new car seat. I’m getting used to seeing these things. I tried to convince mom and dad the swing was for me but they said only babies can use it. I guess this “baby” person really is going to make an appearance at some point. Mom and Dad say I'm in for a rude awakening when this "baby" person makes his/her debut...I have no idea what they are talking about. Mom and Dad also say I’ll have to share my blog….supposedly we’ll have a new “blogger.” We’ll see about that….we’ll see....

I’ll post some pics later from the Pumpkin Patch.

Love Madeline-

PS. Everyone gave us a hard time when we moved to MN because the weather gets really bad here in the winter. So far, it’s snowed 3 times in CO and the weather here has been beautiful. In fact, MN just broke a record for the 8th best fall in history…..Look who’s laughing now people….Look who’s laughing now!

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