It was a crazy week at the Gacnik house in CO.
On Tuesday we were having some grout/tile repaired in the master bathroom.....simple enough, right? Well, within an hour of the project starting, we learned there was a bigger problem. Let's back up though, we were repairing the grout and a few tile because there was a moisture in the grout and below a few tile (although on the exterior of the shower, it was caused by the shower - confusing I know) which would eventually soak through the floor into the tv room below. So, we thought we'd be proactive and fix it now.
Now back to the story, within an hour of the project beginning we learned there was no backer-board down and the tile had initially been put on plywood.....not a good thing. Basically within a few months of fixing this problem the grout would have been cracking again....seems like wasted money, right? So, we stopped the project mid-way and opted to tear the entire tile floor up and lay down backboard, tile, grout and sealer. Both Jeremy and I agreed this was the best decision to fix the problem permanently. So we rotated working from home while the repairs were made Tuesday - Friday. Now it looks great!!! However, looks can be deceiving.....

We did this repair to prevent water from soaking through the ceiling into our tv room below the shower area, a very proactive fix. Today, when cleaning the bathroom before moving all our stuff back in it, we ran into a problem. When cleaning the toilet, I flushed it to wash all the chemicals down the drain and then I heard......."Julie, HELP!!!!!" So I come running down the stairs to find Jeremy standing in the tv room with a pot over his head and watching water running like a waterfall out of our light above the fireplace...... So I grabbed a ton of towels to soak up the water and try to save our TV, DVD player, etc from the mid-day bath, when finally it stopped.
Now remember, this project was completed to prevent water from coming into our tv room, not to create an indoor waterfall. Funny thing though, the water was coming from below the toilet, not the shower area where the initial water problem started.
We initially thought the water was from the 2 ft. of heavy snow we got this weekend, but then we realized it was directly below the toilet. We're assuming they did not install a new rubber seal when reinstalling the toilet. We've called the flooring people to come fix the problem immediately. Now we can only be hopeful it did not cause much damage to the electrical area the water ran down or the overall ceiling. We'll keep you posted on the outcome of this project.
As you may remember, our house in jinxed with water water pressure, our foyer, it's only fitting that this problem revolves around water as well. Jeremy and I have laughed though, we didn't realize we were buying a "fixer-upper" when we purchased this home, but wow we were in for a surprise!!!
Other than that, it was a pretty good week. We had an unexpected mid-April snow shower which brought us 2 ft. of heavy snow. I've included a photo for your delight and you fertilize your lawn and plant flowers we.....well, shoveling snow.
An additional photo which is just cute......Sadie now uses Elvis' rearend as a of these days he'll toot when she's laying there to teach her a lesson...ha ha...actually they get along quite well.
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