Amazingly Madeline is giving me the opportunity to update the blog...I'm guessing it's a one time thing.
Today was a fun day. Madeline got her BAHA hearing device. It was so funny to see her reaction to the BAHA once it was in place and turned on. Her eyes got very wide, she looked around and then cried. Our audiologist said that is a common reaction. After a minute though she was looking around and listening with stereo sound for the first time.

It's a slick little device. The audiologist had Jeremy and I put it up to our heads as well so we could hear the different. Amazing, is all we can say to describe it. The BAHA is programmed specifically to Madeline's hearing so it should allow her to have close to 100% hearing with the device on. It turns out Madeline is the first person in the entire USA to get a white BAHA; it's a brand new model so they are still being shipped around the world. They felt bad that her white device hadn't arrive by today, so they provided us a free headband which holds the BAHA in place. So until next week we have a loner BAHA, but it works just the same.
I'm sure we'll have some fun putting it in place multiple times a day as Madeline's little hand like to tug at it already.
Overall, a great day.
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