Hello world!
It's tough being loved by so many. Grandma G. came to visit me last weekend. She flew on a plane....I'm not sure what that is but mom says it's like a big bird that carries people from one place to another....I now have to figure out what a bird is....hmm...
Anyway, Grandma gave me lots of loving and I gave her dirty diapers. :) She was lucky I saved the spit-ups for mom and dad. We couldn't play outside when she was here because it was really cold. It even snowed!!! We kept the weekend low-key and just stayed around home.
Dad and I have bonding time on the weekend watching the "Browns." He gets real excited to watch them....it's a good thing winning isn't everything because they've only won once. I just humor Dad by sitting with him in our jerseys and watching....sometimes I take naps too. I also haven't had the heart to tell him that brown is a color.....who uses it for a team name? Oh well, it's father/daughter bonding time and I guess in the next 50 years they'll have at least 1 good one. (it's kind of like mom's love for the Cubs....she and dad live by the moto, "maybe next year" for all the teams they love - Browns, Cyclones, and Cubs)
Mom and Dad finally took me for my 1 month photos. I was kind of tired so I slept through most of the photos but here are two that I kept my eyes open for. Actually, they took one of my wet wipes to my feet to wake me up.....so it wasn't very comfortable or optional to sleep then. Meanies, always picking on me.
Mom decided to play dress up with me on Saturday. She said the Cyclones needed some extra luck for their big game again Baylor. So she put me in some ISU gear and took about 30 pictures. I look pretty cute if I do say so myself. I know she's love it if I went to Iowa State University but I'm keeping my options open for now. (can you tell from the picture she was more excited than I?)
This weekend I might take mom and dad to the mountains......but only if they are good this week. I think Estes Park would be a fun getaway so we'll see what they think.
Have a great week - I gotta go because mom say's I need to play with toys other than the computer.
Love - Miss Madeline
PS. sorry the blog looks funny - Mom helped me with the photo upload and obviously she really knew what she was doing. ha ha
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