Most kids have cake and ice cream to celebrate their birthday, but not me. For some reason my parents thought a trip to the doctor's office would be a fun way to celebrate my 1 month anniversary of birth. Let me tell you.....I'd rather have had the ice cream and cake.
I guess I should tell you why we went to the doctor.....it has something to do with selective hearing, which isn't all my fault. I was born with normal hearing in my Left ear, which is great news. However, my right ear didn't develop all the way.......mom and dad call it my "Nemo" ear. I have an ear, it just looks different. But I don't have the canal that typically carries sound waves to the cochlear (that's what allows you to hear). So, today we went to an Ear/Nose/Thoat Specialist office and met with an audiologist to find out IF I could hear and IF I had a cochlear in my right ear. First mom and dad had to get me to fall asleep for the test. Then, they hooked me up to lots of wires which sense brain waves in response to the sound vibrations they transmitted. The first test confirmed I have "normal" hearing in my left ear. The second test confirmed I do have a cochlear in my right ear and with a special device called a bone oscilator I can hear "normally" in that ear as well.
Our next step is to meet with the doctor in a month or two and come up with a plan for treating my hearing. I'll also have a CAT scan when I'm 2-4 months old to look at my cochlear a little closer. Then after I'm 6 months old I'll probably have a surgery on my right ear to make it look a little cuter.....hopefully I can still call it my "Nemo" ear since it's special to me. I guess we are also meeting with the audiology department for a consultation on when I might get my own "bone oscilator" so I can hear all the time with my right ear.
Mom and Dad were happy I was such a good girl at the appointment. I don't know what I did that was so special other than take a nap. Dad took a photo of me at the appointment so you could see all my wires. I guess I pulled them off a few times......they were something to tug on.
Overall, I guess it was a unique way to celebrate my 1 month anniversary of birth. My gift to my parents in return was a diaper blowout......now that's what I call fun!
PS. I'll add another blog update on Grandma G's visit, but I am kind of sleepy and headed to bed.
1 comment:
Sounds a lot like Trey! We must have some kind of "lucky ear" thing going on in the family. I love Finding Nemo.
I STILL have your baby gift! And what size diapers is Maddie in at this point? With all those diaper blowouts you're gonna need some more soon...hehe
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