Monday, December 3, 2012

Chip and Dale Rock...

Hi there, it’s me Madeline. Sorry for such a delay on this post. It’s been a fun-filled fall. Luke and I took mom and dad on a little vacation to FL….more specifically, DISNEY WORLD. Let me tell you, this is truly where all your dreams come true. Did you know I met some of the most famous people in the world there? Sleeping Beauty, Belle (actually twice!), Snow White, Daisy Duck, Aeriel, and Chip & Dale. Oh, it was such a fun trip and I loved it. I got to go trick-or-treating at Disney too. They sure give lots of candy….that would be good if I liked candy, but it still was fun! I saw the castle where Cinderella lives and even though she wasn’t awake when I was there, it was amazing. I think I have a favorite ride….the TeaCups. We went on them twice. Luke just watched. Speaking of Luke, he got his first kiss….from Aeriel. I’m not sure if there has been any development in that relationship since she lives “under the sea,” but it was a lasting mark on his face that night. Okay, so my favorite part of Disney was the campfire sing-along. We went 4 times and I loved every minute of it. Chip and Dale were there every night and I got to give them high-fives, hugs and even touch their noses. I still talk about them every day and last night I was singing one of their songs. I really love Chip and Dale! Do you know how to identify which one is Chip? He has the chocolate chip colored nose. I bet you didn’t know that, did you? Okay, what else, I got to hang out with my cousins which was a blast. We played outside all the time. Mom and Dad had a little fun. I took them to the wine experience with Grandma. Don’t worry, I made sure things didn’t get too out of control with all the taste testing. They really are kids at heart. Okay, well I better get going since I have preschool today. I am having lots of fun there. Madeline

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