This is a website that highlights all of life's little, and sometimes big, adventures. Enjoy the ride!
Monday, December 10, 2012
Who me?
Does anyone here look guilty?
(Also, if you stand on your toes, you can see out the window....followed by a fall because we haven't mastered climbing down as well and climbing up.)
Dinner anyone?
Can you believe the crazy adults in our house made me go outside with Madeline in the snow? They are nuts....but, I actually thought it was pretty fun. All I had to do was sit on my rear and the lady of the house (aka. Mom or Julie) pulled me around on the sled. I always knew I was destined to be a king.
Okay - I'm off to dream about the elf that supposedly is roaming around our house.
Feed the birds....and Isabelle
Did you know we have a new pet? Well, an outdoor one named Isabelle. Granted, I also feed the birds, but Isabelle appeared one day and started snacking so I figured she must be hungry. Since then, it's my mission to make sure she doesn't starve.
Here is the trick to feeding Isabelle properly.
First, collect as many empty toilet paper rolls as possible.
Second, put peanut butter on the outside of the roll (but not Dad's peanut butter because apparently "people food" and "Squirrel food" can't mix).
Third, roll in bird food...yes, bird food....Isabelle prefers this I think...that and Mom won't buy the other stuff.
Forth, string with string or twine (whatever Mom can find) and hang it up on a tree, or bush or wherever I see fit. Typically, somewhere close to my eye level (so that is 2.5 feet off the ground).
Let me tell you Isabelle sure likes the food and typically, it's gone within a day or so. Here's our latest finished products.
Animal rights activist -
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Sneaky little elf.....
Can you believe it, I think an elf was here last night.
I just know he was because I found his foot prints and those of a reindeer as well. (I wonder which reindeer it was?)
This morning when I woke up, mom pointed out it had snowed and then we saw little prints by the front door. I think the elf came to check on Luke and know, to make sure we are being good. Of course we are, because we really want Santa to bring us something at Christmas. This year, I really, really, really want a Minnie Mouse Bike. I told Santa 3 times now in person to make sure he doesn't forget.
Anyway, this Elf is really quick. Every now and then we think we see a glimpse of his hat by the door and sometimes the swing set in the backyard, but when we go to the window for a closer look, he is gone. This morning dad reminded me they can climb trees too. Geez, no wonder I can't find this little elf. Yesterday mom told me the elf looks a little shorter than me, so of course he's a tough little bugger to find.
Okay - I need to get back to elf duty.
PS. Luke turned 1 today.....okay, it was his day and we had lots of fun at the University Kid's Christmas party, finding a tree, and then eating Pumpkin bars. Luke really likes Pumpkin bars and well, so do I. We had his favorite dinner tonight; Steak and Potatoes. Such a boy! Oh yes, I may have opened all of Luke's birthday presents. He didn't mind.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Chip and Dale Rock...
Hi there, it’s me Madeline. Sorry for such a delay on this post. It’s been a fun-filled fall.
Luke and I took mom and dad on a little vacation to FL….more specifically, DISNEY WORLD. Let me tell you, this is truly where all your dreams come true. Did you know I met some of the most famous people in the world there? Sleeping Beauty, Belle (actually twice!), Snow White, Daisy Duck, Aeriel, and Chip & Dale. Oh, it was such a fun trip and I loved it.
I got to go trick-or-treating at Disney too. They sure give lots of candy….that would be good if I liked candy, but it still was fun! I saw the castle where Cinderella lives and even though she wasn’t awake when I was there, it was amazing. I think I have a favorite ride….the TeaCups. We went on them twice. Luke just watched. Speaking of Luke, he got his first kiss….from Aeriel. I’m not sure if there has been any development in that relationship since she lives “under the sea,” but it was a lasting mark on his face that night.
Okay, so my favorite part of Disney was the campfire sing-along. We went 4 times and I loved every minute of it. Chip and Dale were there every night and I got to give them high-fives, hugs and even touch their noses. I still talk about them every day and last night I was singing one of their songs. I really love Chip and Dale! Do you know how to identify which one is Chip? He has the chocolate chip colored nose. I bet you didn’t know that, did you?
Okay, what else, I got to hang out with my cousins which was a blast. We played outside all the time. Mom and Dad had a little fun. I took them to the wine experience with Grandma. Don’t worry, I made sure things didn’t get too out of control with all the taste testing. They really are kids at heart.
Okay, well I better get going since I have preschool today. I am having lots of fun there.
Locks of Love..
It finally happened. I got an official haircut. I like to think all the beautiful locks went to “locks of love” but apparently my hair wasn’t quite long enough. I’m sure it was close. Anyway, I’m a new man (well, little boy). Check out the new do….mom and dad can hardly recognize me.
Dad and I had a great plan, we were going to the downtown barbershop for the haircut. Of course, mom and Madeline ruined the moment and tagged along. Apparently the girls felt the urge to take pictures of the event. The conversation with the barber was a little limited with the girls there, but mom swears that she won’t tag along every time.
I must say, I sure can walk, or as mom says waddle, with my new aerodynamic haircut. The only downfall I have found is my new haircut doesn’t hold food as well. You see, I love to put food in my hair and now that it’s short it comes out much easier. Mom says boys under her roof haven’t to be “clean cut” so I have to wait until I grow up if I want to grow it long again. Who knows, maybe when I’m a teenager I’ll try to sweet-talk her….the mullet look was working for me…you know, business in the front and party in the back!
Until later -Luke
ps. I'll post pictures later
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Good things come in threes......
That's right, good things come in threes.
Luke here and gosh, it's been rough lately.
Life used to be easy; eat, sleep, fill my pants and repeat.
Now, I do these three things and play, crawl and try to walk.
You heard that right....walk. I prefer to do it when no one is playing with me. I just will walk between my toys. The other day I willingly did it for mom and dad and took a whopping 3 steps. Apparently, that was a reason to celebrate.
Most of the time I crawl because it's faster, but I can walk a little bit if I really want.
Anyway, back to the title, "good things come in threes."
You see, teething has been really fun for fun, I sometimes make mom and dad celebrate the process by mid-night walks around the house. Today, I got my third tooth and yes, mom and dad are am I! I sure hope that's the last tooth for a little bit.
To celebrate my new tooth dad and Madeline racked some leaves and let me eat, I mean play, in them. It was pretty fun the first 2 min. and then, I wasn't a huge fan because the leaves were pokey and crunchy. Madeline sure loved them. She's quite the adventurer.
Upcoming....can you believe Halloween is coming up? I'm pumped...granted I'm not sure what mom is dressing me up as, but it's sure to be fun. Madeline is going to be a pricess...Sleeping Beauty and Belle all at the same time...I'm not sure how that works.
Madeline has a new nickname for me. I'm not sure where it came from, but she's the only one who calls me it. It's Luke-EEEE (or Lukey). The "e" has great emphasis. I guess that means she likes me since she gave me a new name.
Okay - it's past my bedtime, so I better sign off before Mom catches me on the computer.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Move over Donald Trump......
And so it Donald Trump hair-do is officially gone. Dad wasn't a fan of it and multiple people called me a girl, so on a whim, mom finally agreed (possibly after a glass of wine) and with ONE GIANT SNIP...(I was terrified) was gone...
As you can tell, I'm bummed. It was beautiful and down to my nose. It hide my eyes and was a great food collector. Apparently, only short hair-dos are allowed for boys in our house. Which means there is probably another hair cut on it's way because I am growing a rat tail....I keep telling dad that "Chicks dig it." He doesn't agree. Oh well.
Here are some pics of the traumatic event.
My thought, "hey lady, what do you think you're doing? Put down the scissors and no one will get hurt."
My second thought, "it's not too bad I guess. Now I can show off my stylish forehead."
Monday, September 10, 2012
Me again,
I know, twice in 1 night. It can't get any better than this.
So a few updates from the Gacniks. Let's start with the important ones....the kids.
Madeline, well I am turning the big 3 on Thursday. That's right, I'll be the big kid on the block. (don't tell, but I may be the only kid living on the block). Anyway, I had a little party over the weekend with my friends. It was a bowling party and gosh, I sure had lots of fun. I think Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa had a good time also. What's not to love of 7 little 3-5 year old running around a bowling alley. All day mom kept saying how much energy we had and that was before she fed us cake and lemonade. I think that means she and dad want lots of little girls. They had so much fun they needed naps on Sunday! Party animals.
Anyway, the party was fun. Today I started preschool and wow, I loved it. Actually, I really loved the bus ride. I sat next to a nice little boy named James. I think he's my new boyfriend and I sure do smile if you ask me anything about him. He is dreamy.....ahhh... Okay, back to school. It was fun. My teacher is really nice and I like the playground. Snack time was pretty good too. I'm eager to go back on Wednesday.
Luke is doing well. Mom wouldn't let him ride the bus with me or go to school. Such a fun hater. Maybe someday I'll sneak him on for fun. Anyway, Luke sure like to talk....alot....and makes lots of noise. He can crawl almost anywhere in the house. He's such a fast crawler that he mastered the stairs on day 1 and now mom and dad put gates up to prevent him from climbing those unassisted.
Luke doesn't really like baby food. IN fact, he prefers table food. That's pretty cool if you ask mom or dad. Also, Luke is a party animal. Mom says it will lead them to buy stock in coffee. Last week Luke was up 7-8 times/night...every night. It was fun bonding I bet.
When I got up yesterday and went in mom and dad's room I proudly told them I took a good nap and dad said he "wished he could say the same for my brother." Silly dad. Anyway, now that the 2 teeth came through, mom and dad are hoping to see the back of their eye lids more frequently.
Mom went to California to hike a mountain. I think the hills around here would have been just as fun, but apparently there is one there that is really big, Mt. Whitney. Supposedly it's the tallest in the lower 48 states. IF you ask mom about the experience she will tell you it was one of the best experiences in her life and she would do it all again....except throwing up on the mountain. Altitude sickness doesn't sound like fun. Anyway, 17 hours and 18 miles later, they made it back to the bottom. She and the other 7 ladies started hiking at midnight. Apparently they didn't know enough to wait for day light.
Dad? Dad is doing great. He's still working hard. His hands are healing from the home improvement projects from around the new house. Good thing because mom keeps finding new things to tinker with that require his the big tree limbs they (being DAD) cut down yesterday. I think it secretly likes this. I sure like my time with Dad though after daycare. Today, we played with princess play dough for 1 hour. Dad likes it more than me.
Okay - time for bed since I missed my nap today.
Love - Madeline
Here are a few pics from mom's hike. That's the mountain. Mom said watching the sunrise at 12,000 ft. was pretty cool. I think she's nuts. That's a big mountain. Supposedly they had lots of nicknames for the mountain...she hasn't shared them with me yet.
Practice what you preach...
Mom and Dad always say, "take care of your stuff." Well, they need to practice what they preach. Can you believe they bought a house and started breaking it on day one...literally, within an hour of closing on it, they started tearing a wall down, moving electrical and then removing half of the kitchen. So much for taking care of what they have.
I must say though, the improvements look pretty know, for amateurs doing it. There is a lot more natural light and now they can see everywhere Luke and I are at on the main floor. I'm not sure that's a good thing, but whatever, it's their house.
So yes, I guess I should tell you, we moved! We are still in Lakeville and now 3 blocks from the lake, 2 blocks from the elementary school and 1 block from the high school. Apparently middle school isn't important because it's more than 5 blocks away...ha!
Back to the house. It has a purple and pink bedroom and guess who's room that is? No, not Lukes. It's mine!!! I finally got my purple and pink room and gosh, I sure love it. Luke's room is blue, but he doesn't care. He really likes watching his ceiling fan versus looking at paint colors.
Other projects for this house? The bathrooms. Both of them need some serious TLC in time. Also, the textured wall paper will be fun to tackle. Mom and Dad have been trimming lots of bushes and trees. A little landscaping can clean up anything.
So there you have it. We moved. Here are some pics from early on. We will update these soon that show you how it looks now.
Love - Maddie
Friday, July 13, 2012
You are Fired!
Mom and Dad are Fired from blogging!
Slackers….that’s what I think about Mom and Dad’s management of Luke and my blog.
I tell ya, we give them the honor to write on our blog, allowing us more time to play, and what happens? Nothing. 2….almost 3 months of no posts. That’s it, Luke and I are taking the blog back.
So here we go. To recap for you the past 2 months without writing a novel, I will give you the cliff-note version.
Baptism….went well…Luke took the plunge. Both sets of Grandparents were here. We ate Cake….I really like the cake, actually the frosting was my favorite.
We went on a plane ride, 4 to be exact, to North Carolina for Cousin Emily’s wedding. It was super fun! I got to dig in the sand, run from the waves, build sand castles, pick up shells, swim and eat lots of pizza. I really liked the hotel pizza, cheese to be exact. And yes, I danced the night away at the wedding. Luke was super excited to meet Heather and Leon and then Uncle Dan and Aunt Alisa.
We went to the lake. It rocked. I taught dad how to fish and Luke went for his first boat ride. He fell asleep….what a baby. We played with Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Debbie, Uncle John and cousins Tyler and Mckenzie. I really like the lake. Mom and Dad said we'll go back this summer. So cool!
Luke is doing well. He loves to stand up and “talks” very loud. Mom says he is “all boy.” I sure hope so because he isn’t a girl.
Other than that, it’s been a great summer. We have been swimming, to the zoo and lots of parks. I can’t believe it’s July. Mom and Dad bought a house and we move next month. It’s a funny thing really, our landlord decided to sell the house we are renting so mom and dad literally went out the next day and bought a house. That’s kind of fast if you ask me! It’s pretty close to where we live now and supposedly my swing set is moving with us. Thank heavens!
Okay - off to play again.
Madeline (manager of the blog)
Friday, April 13, 2012
A great quote from a great movie,
“It’s your lucky day to be baptized in the Greek Orthodox Church. Nikki is going to be your Godmother….” (My Big Fat Greek Wedding Movie) Why this scene pops in my head every time someone refers to a baptism, I don’t know. But let me say, it cracks me up every time!
So with that being said, Luke is be baptized this weekend….not in the Greek Orthodox Church, but the Catholic church. Hopefully this little guy doesn’t wail to loud. If he does I’ll claim he is merely “crying out to Jesus.” Well, one thing is certain, it will be entertaining. With a 2 and a ½ year old in attendance and a 4 month old, I can guarantee someone will be wet….Jeremy and I most likely. Madeline finds it entertaining dipping her entire hand into the water every time we are at church….I am convinced she will fall in one of these times. Oh well, it will make her extra holy! (a mother can hope, right?)
Latest updates on Luke from his 4 month appointment.
Height – 24 inches
Weight – 14 lb. 10 oz. Apparently he gave up on the quick weight gain and is following his sister’s footsteps now.
Jeremy dreams of a football player; a running back (I don’t really know what that is, but smile and nod as he talks about it). I say of course he can play football; he’ll be the kicker because they don’t get tackled as much. Jeremy just shakes his head in disbelief.
Such a girlie-girl! We play with make-up, fingernail polish and dance classes….where she got this from I’m yet to know/understand. But what a sweetie. She went through a growth spurt over the past 2 months and grew 1-2 inches. Don’t worry, she is still the smallest 2 year old I know. We will upload some pictures for you soon. Oh yes, this 2 year old starts the day at 5:30 AM…..I’m hoping this is just aphase because she is cutting molars.
Okay – photos to come later and updates from our adventures. It sure has been crazy around here.
“It’s your lucky day to be baptized in the Greek Orthodox Church. Nikki is going to be your Godmother….” (My Big Fat Greek Wedding Movie) Why this scene pops in my head every time someone refers to a baptism, I don’t know. But let me say, it cracks me up every time!
So with that being said, Luke is be baptized this weekend….not in the Greek Orthodox Church, but the Catholic church. Hopefully this little guy doesn’t wail to loud. If he does I’ll claim he is merely “crying out to Jesus.” Well, one thing is certain, it will be entertaining. With a 2 and a ½ year old in attendance and a 4 month old, I can guarantee someone will be wet….Jeremy and I most likely. Madeline finds it entertaining dipping her entire hand into the water every time we are at church….I am convinced she will fall in one of these times. Oh well, it will make her extra holy! (a mother can hope, right?)
Latest updates on Luke from his 4 month appointment.
Height – 24 inches
Weight – 14 lb. 10 oz. Apparently he gave up on the quick weight gain and is following his sister’s footsteps now.
Jeremy dreams of a football player; a running back (I don’t really know what that is, but smile and nod as he talks about it). I say of course he can play football; he’ll be the kicker because they don’t get tackled as much. Jeremy just shakes his head in disbelief.
Such a girlie-girl! We play with make-up, fingernail polish and dance classes….where she got this from I’m yet to know/understand. But what a sweetie. She went through a growth spurt over the past 2 months and grew 1-2 inches. Don’t worry, she is still the smallest 2 year old I know. We will upload some pictures for you soon. Oh yes, this 2 year old starts the day at 5:30 AM…..I’m hoping this is just aphase because she is cutting molars.
Okay – photos to come later and updates from our adventures. It sure has been crazy around here.
Friday, March 23, 2012
...let me tell you about Miss Madeline and her obsession with the "Shoo-Bugs."
Anything that resembles a bug is classically known as a "shoo-bug."
It's rather cute and hilarious.
As you may recall, there were not many critters in Denver, CO such as flies, so when we moved last fall any insect presented a serious problem. We told Madeline they presented no harm and just to say, "shoo bug." Well, to Madeline that meant any insect was a shoo-bug. So we....being Jeremy....has been requested 5-6x/day to kill any potential shoo-bug. If a piece of dirt looks as though it could be a shoo-bug, she requires him to remove it as well, just incase it evolves into a bug. A dead bug you ask? Well, of course they require a final swat to assure it's going nowhere. Yes, ants, flies, spiders....all shoo-bugs. The look on Madelines face is priceless when Jeremy goes to kill the shoo-bug. You would think that bug (or piece of dirt in some cases) was going to jump at Madeline.
The old saying, "kids say the darnest thing," is very accurate. Especially when it comes to Shoo-bugs in our house.
If you think Shoo-bugs present humor.....just wait until we fill you in on Madeline's appreciation, or lack there of, for birds. This morning she looked at the screen door at a bird on the deck and told it to stop talking....apparently she doesn't like birds chirping either. Crazy kid!
Luke? Well, he is doing great and taking to our family very well. He's a big fan of his sister, Madeline. He has a 4-month check up in a few weeks. Crazy how time flies! We're guessing he's about 15 lbs. now. He's a strong little tike and love, love, loves to talk to women.....I am nervous already. He made a visit to the University this week and wow, did he capture the hearts and smiles of the ladies on campus. I like to think I'm a lucky lady myself with 2 men in my life....even though there is almost a 35 year age gap between the two.

Anything that resembles a bug is classically known as a "shoo-bug."
It's rather cute and hilarious.
As you may recall, there were not many critters in Denver, CO such as flies, so when we moved last fall any insect presented a serious problem. We told Madeline they presented no harm and just to say, "shoo bug." Well, to Madeline that meant any insect was a shoo-bug. So we....being Jeremy....has been requested 5-6x/day to kill any potential shoo-bug. If a piece of dirt looks as though it could be a shoo-bug, she requires him to remove it as well, just incase it evolves into a bug. A dead bug you ask? Well, of course they require a final swat to assure it's going nowhere. Yes, ants, flies, spiders....all shoo-bugs. The look on Madelines face is priceless when Jeremy goes to kill the shoo-bug. You would think that bug (or piece of dirt in some cases) was going to jump at Madeline.
The old saying, "kids say the darnest thing," is very accurate. Especially when it comes to Shoo-bugs in our house.
If you think Shoo-bugs present humor.....just wait until we fill you in on Madeline's appreciation, or lack there of, for birds. This morning she looked at the screen door at a bird on the deck and told it to stop talking....apparently she doesn't like birds chirping either. Crazy kid!
Luke? Well, he is doing great and taking to our family very well. He's a big fan of his sister, Madeline. He has a 4-month check up in a few weeks. Crazy how time flies! We're guessing he's about 15 lbs. now. He's a strong little tike and love, love, loves to talk to women.....I am nervous already. He made a visit to the University this week and wow, did he capture the hearts and smiles of the ladies on campus. I like to think I'm a lucky lady myself with 2 men in my life....even though there is almost a 35 year age gap between the two.
Friday, March 9, 2012
I like M&Ms.....
...why yes I have been potty training.
The M&Ms are pretty good, but the suckers for #2 rock.
From Madeline
The M&Ms are pretty good, but the suckers for #2 rock.
From Madeline
We were "THAT" family....
....why yes, we were "that" family this past weekend.
I can now say, as a parent, I will think twice before judging a family with a similar situation.
We went to church Saturday evening.
Madeline went potty right before we left for church. (yes we are in potty training mode)
Luke had eaten right before we left. (full belly means sleepy baby)
We sat in the second to last row....just in case.
My logic seemed perfect.....and then it backfired.....big time.
Within the first 10 minute Madeline announced she had to go the the bathroom and not #1, the other off we took to the bathroom. No success. 10 minutes later Madeline announced she had to go to the bathroom again, a little louder this time, so off we went again. No success, dang. Back to our seats. 10 minutes later, we smelled gas and Madeline announced (rather loud) she had to go the bathroom, so off we went to the bathroom. No luck....dang. Yes, 10 minutes later Madeline said she had to go again....Jeremy took her to the bathroom....Madeline fell in....just her bottom, but she went "swimming" and no, no luck....crap. We then played the gambling game and said no more going to the bathroom and started to pray (we were in chuch so I was sure the message would get to God quicker) that Madeline didn't have an accident.
....10 minute later while walking up to communion, Luke woke up.....and not step away from communion and the little guy let's out a blood-wrenching cry.....the lady just looks at me and I smile and say Amen, I'm outta here....and off Luke and I go to the back to find a room so it doesn't sound like the little guy is being murdered since everything echos there.
The poor families sitting in the last row must have wondered.
So yes, we were "THAT" family. I can only imagine what this weekend holds.
I can say though, I will think twice before judging the family who is up and down with a child at church....when you're potty training you do what you have to do!
From the management of 2 kids under the age of 2.5......
I can now say, as a parent, I will think twice before judging a family with a similar situation.
We went to church Saturday evening.
Madeline went potty right before we left for church. (yes we are in potty training mode)
Luke had eaten right before we left. (full belly means sleepy baby)
We sat in the second to last row....just in case.
My logic seemed perfect.....and then it backfired.....big time.
Within the first 10 minute Madeline announced she had to go the the bathroom and not #1, the other off we took to the bathroom. No success. 10 minutes later Madeline announced she had to go to the bathroom again, a little louder this time, so off we went again. No success, dang. Back to our seats. 10 minutes later, we smelled gas and Madeline announced (rather loud) she had to go the bathroom, so off we went to the bathroom. No luck....dang. Yes, 10 minutes later Madeline said she had to go again....Jeremy took her to the bathroom....Madeline fell in....just her bottom, but she went "swimming" and no, no luck....crap. We then played the gambling game and said no more going to the bathroom and started to pray (we were in chuch so I was sure the message would get to God quicker) that Madeline didn't have an accident.
....10 minute later while walking up to communion, Luke woke up.....and not step away from communion and the little guy let's out a blood-wrenching cry.....the lady just looks at me and I smile and say Amen, I'm outta here....and off Luke and I go to the back to find a room so it doesn't sound like the little guy is being murdered since everything echos there.
The poor families sitting in the last row must have wondered.
So yes, we were "THAT" family. I can only imagine what this weekend holds.
I can say though, I will think twice before judging the family who is up and down with a child at church....when you're potty training you do what you have to do!
From the management of 2 kids under the age of 2.5......
Monday, February 20, 2012
A party like no other....
So much to update you all on…
I am getting a PURPLE bedroom...I don’t know when exactly, but I saw the house and it sure looks neat. Mom and Dad made an offer on a short sale house….I’m not really sure why they call it a short sale because it might take a year before we get to move. Anyway, I will have a purple bedroom and Luke is getting a blue one. It will have fenced yard and a swing set too! I’m pretty excited about it and so are mom and dad. They can’t wait to move again; apparently they had so much fun last year packing we are going to do it this year. Mom and Dad hope it’s the last move for awhile.
I am in dance class, Tippi Toes really. I love to dance and twirl. My big dance recital is coming up but I have to miss it because we will be in North Carolina for a wedding mom is in. I wonder if I can wear my dance costume to the wedding since I’ll miss the recital. Mom says no, but I’ll work on her so I can wear it.
I went to my first princess themed birthday party for a friend from daycare turning 5. It was really fun and mom bought a present for me to share. She thought she was being sneaking by buying a gift on clearance. We thought the party would be pretty simple, but wow, were we in for a rude awakening and mom reconsidered her $8 clearance gift. When we pulled up to the development of the party we read a sign that said the home development prices ranged from $500,000-$1,000,000….that’s the starting price….ugh, mom thinks she should have increased her gift amount. Oops! Anyway, not only was this a REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, nice housing development that we didn’t know existed, but the party had a real princess….Sleeping Beauty there. Yes, mom said she was a professional actress with voice training, but I think she was the real deal. They sure set the bar high for birthday parties! Mom says the $1.00 cake mix for cupcakes looks pretty pathetic now….that’s what she typically does for me.

There are never too many cooks in the kitchen….I’ve been helping mom and dad cook. Lately I have been exploring pasta recipes. Check out the photo of me learning about pasta. It was really easy to dump out and took a bit more work to clean up.

Professional painter….of fingernails. I have been practicing painting finger nails lately. I think I’m pretty good, what do you think?

We took a trip to IA to visit Uncle Tom’s family over the weekend and it sure was fun. ON the way back we stopped and visited some other relatives in Iowa City…good thing we stopped because I ended up with the stomach flu…one word, YUCK! It was nice Mike and Pat let us stay there overnight. 24 hours later we were on the road again. I’m still not 100%, but at least I’m at home now.
Tomorrow is a big day around here…Mom heads back to work. I think she’s ready, well as ready as she can be. I know she loved spending time at home with Luke and me of course, but it’s time to get back to work. Mom says it’s nice Luke will be with Daddy so she isn’t taking him to daycare yet.
Yes, Luke is still around. He is going to be my BIG little brother in no time. At 2 months I was 10 lb. 10 oz. Luke on the other hand is 13 lb. 4 oz. and 22 inches long. He likes to smile at me and I can get him to stop crying when he is fussy.
As you can see from the picture, Luke really loves me.

Mom says everyone likes a boy who shows a little skin....I don't know if this should count for Luke...he has a lot of rolls....

Okay, I should get going. There is so much to do as a big sister.
I am getting a PURPLE bedroom...I don’t know when exactly, but I saw the house and it sure looks neat. Mom and Dad made an offer on a short sale house….I’m not really sure why they call it a short sale because it might take a year before we get to move. Anyway, I will have a purple bedroom and Luke is getting a blue one. It will have fenced yard and a swing set too! I’m pretty excited about it and so are mom and dad. They can’t wait to move again; apparently they had so much fun last year packing we are going to do it this year. Mom and Dad hope it’s the last move for awhile.
I am in dance class, Tippi Toes really. I love to dance and twirl. My big dance recital is coming up but I have to miss it because we will be in North Carolina for a wedding mom is in. I wonder if I can wear my dance costume to the wedding since I’ll miss the recital. Mom says no, but I’ll work on her so I can wear it.
I went to my first princess themed birthday party for a friend from daycare turning 5. It was really fun and mom bought a present for me to share. She thought she was being sneaking by buying a gift on clearance. We thought the party would be pretty simple, but wow, were we in for a rude awakening and mom reconsidered her $8 clearance gift. When we pulled up to the development of the party we read a sign that said the home development prices ranged from $500,000-$1,000,000….that’s the starting price….ugh, mom thinks she should have increased her gift amount. Oops! Anyway, not only was this a REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, nice housing development that we didn’t know existed, but the party had a real princess….Sleeping Beauty there. Yes, mom said she was a professional actress with voice training, but I think she was the real deal. They sure set the bar high for birthday parties! Mom says the $1.00 cake mix for cupcakes looks pretty pathetic now….that’s what she typically does for me.

There are never too many cooks in the kitchen….I’ve been helping mom and dad cook. Lately I have been exploring pasta recipes. Check out the photo of me learning about pasta. It was really easy to dump out and took a bit more work to clean up.

Professional painter….of fingernails. I have been practicing painting finger nails lately. I think I’m pretty good, what do you think?

We took a trip to IA to visit Uncle Tom’s family over the weekend and it sure was fun. ON the way back we stopped and visited some other relatives in Iowa City…good thing we stopped because I ended up with the stomach flu…one word, YUCK! It was nice Mike and Pat let us stay there overnight. 24 hours later we were on the road again. I’m still not 100%, but at least I’m at home now.
Tomorrow is a big day around here…Mom heads back to work. I think she’s ready, well as ready as she can be. I know she loved spending time at home with Luke and me of course, but it’s time to get back to work. Mom says it’s nice Luke will be with Daddy so she isn’t taking him to daycare yet.
Yes, Luke is still around. He is going to be my BIG little brother in no time. At 2 months I was 10 lb. 10 oz. Luke on the other hand is 13 lb. 4 oz. and 22 inches long. He likes to smile at me and I can get him to stop crying when he is fussy.
As you can see from the picture, Luke really loves me.

Mom says everyone likes a boy who shows a little skin....I don't know if this should count for Luke...he has a lot of rolls....

Okay, I should get going. There is so much to do as a big sister.

Thursday, January 19, 2012
Best Big Sister Ever...

HOLA Friends!
It’s me, Madeline! I sure have been busy as a Big Sister! It’s a tough job, but I’ve stepped up and adjusted rather well…..for a 2 year old. I’ve learned a lot about being a big sister and I think Mom and Dad really appreciate, no they LOVE, my help.

Here are some of the things I help with around the house:
Diapers – I don’t let mom or dad throw away Luke’s diapers. That’s MY job and I throw a fit if I don’t get to do it. Luke is going to use cloth diapers like me, but right now they are really big on him so he has to wait awhile. If you ask me, he looks like a pear when he wears them….and he can’t rest his legs on the ground because they elevate his butt in the air…it’s kind of funny.
Burping – It might be the one way to “hit” my brother without getting in trouble. Just kidding, I’m actually pretty gentle. (for the record, I haven’t “hit” my brother or thrown anything at him yet…although last night Luke’s head may have been in the way when I was practicing my golf swing…he stopped crying now)
Feeding – Even though mom is nursing Luke, I did give him a bottle a couple of times. On a side note, I’m a really good help at operating the milk pumping machine….I think mom really appreciates my help with this….she always smiles/laughs when I help her pump milk.
Vibrator – Luke’s swing and bouncy chair have a vibrator on them and I’m the only one allowed to turn them on and off. Again, I get a little upset if anyone else does it because this is the job of a big sister.
Hugs and Kisses – I’m really good at giving Luke hugs and kisses….Mom and Dad don’t appreciate it when I kiss Luke when he’s sleeping (well, was sleeping). Apparently there is something called personal space but I don’t understand it. I think if I get really close to Luke’s face when he’s sleeping it helps me verify he’s doing okay, amazingly he frequently wakes up when I do this….I think he was just pretend sleeping. See, we already are playing games!
I like Baby Luke overall and think I’ll keep him around for awhile.

Other things happening around here…..
Grandma and Grandpa Gacnik came to visit. They brought me more presents; in case you didn’t know, I love presents. I trained Grandma how to “shop” with my kitchen toys and play house. We did this all day long for about 4 days. She’s pretty good at it. I also helped Grandma and Grandpa learn how to do puzzles. I really like puzzles. I’m up to 12 and 16 piece puzzles now and absolutely LOVE them.
Cold virus – The cold virus worked through our house. I had it , mom had it, Luke now has it and Dad is getting it. It really wasn’t fun….especially since I just got over Strep Throat. I don’t remember if Luke told you how I got sick right after he came home from the hospital. That time Grandma and Grandpa Kiefer were here to help out. Mom and Dad joke that we’ve had more sickness since moving to MN….but thinking about it, it’s no joke because we really have had more sickness since getting here.
On the upside….well, downside, it’s was -10 degrees this morning….that’s super cold if you ask me!
Until Later –
The Best Big Sister Ever - Madeline
ps. mom and dad are doing well and using toothpicks to keep their eyes open...I think they party with Luke when I go to bed at night because Luke sleeps alot during the day to make up for his late nights!
pss. when I say my Luke's nickname is Moose, you now will understand why from the picture below.

Oh brother.... the new kid in town is pretty okay by me. I must admit though, I am helping him consider his career options. The video below shows two ideas I came up with and mom helping him practice. One is a frog so when his princess comes along she'll have to kiss him....I like to think it will be along time before any girl is willing to kiss a frog. The second career option is a astronaut...let's send him to outer space. It's a good thing Luke has me here to help him out with these important decisions. (in all honesty, he is a pretty cool baby brother so I'm just joking about turning him into a frog or sending him to outer space) Madeline
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